Left Firefox, Need Identity safe on Ice Dragon (and windows phone)

Bceasue it has become a bloated resource hog (and their political leanings) I have uninstalled Firefox and switched to Ice Dragon, which is a much faster, more secure Firefox derived browser. So why can't I use Identity Safe for Firefox with Ice Dragon? If there isnt a way to make the Firefox extension work with the Firefox derived borwser (llike many other firefox extensions) could you consider developing the extension for Ice Dragon?


Conversely, I realize Comodo (the developer of Ice Dragon) is a competitor, how about Norton comingout with their own secure bowser that integraes all the best feture of 360 into it? I and many other would probably jump on that in a heartbeat.


Lastly, When will Identiy Safe be available for Windows Phone? the web interface is nort mobile optomized and is a pain to use .
