
Norton Lifelock Notification -DarkWeb has address, email, & password & they are showing me pword 2 letters and a bunch of stars.    Says click to show password, but that isn't working, so can't see password to know which business, school, or whatever has been hacked.   Its the password being associated with businesses thats hacked.  Can't know what business to go to, if Lifelock don't show me pword.   Customer service disconnected me after holding +35minutes...

r8dj Please contact Life Lock support for an official explanation of what the services are all about, and voice your concerns there by calling 1-800-416-0599. They will have the answers I personally cannot provide. wink


I can't believe people are even buying into this garbage service LifeLock provides. Or is Symantec doing all the heavy lifting after the, what was it, 64 mil class action suit against Lifelock for failure to provide the services they claim?

Furthermore, it's a stigma on Symantec/Norton, among many of us long time users (25+ yrs here), to get in bed with them. Especially since you are  ramping up charges for a bogus service predicated on people exercising common sense/proactively protecting their personal info online.

You are most welcome!!


Thnx for the link.
I suspect the link may be ok, but Norton “may” think it’s not safe.
Any hues, I’ll resume this conversation at the link you provided!

@Skoutariotis  The official site for Life Lock support is here: I cannot find any Google reference to the URL Core has blocked for you. Core will filter traffic using your current installed product or the subscription for Core Security that came with your router. Please contact Life Lock support for an official explanation of what the blocking was about by calling 1-800-416-0599

@mkusernm Norton does not provide "virus" popups as you say. Marketing popups are the correct terminology. However, the official site for obtaining life lock is located here:

You can also shut off most marketing offer using the instructions in the screenshot below by disabling "Special Offer Notification". :




I was offered a discount on  a LifeLock basic membership ($5.99 / month) through a Norton Virus pop up. a day after I signed with Lifelock I called lifelock and did not know anything about it. They suggested that they would give me that rate if I cancel Norton subscription and avoid have the two separate Symantec accounts by opening one account through them. I told them that I would not want to do that  and they suggested to contact Symantec/ Norton. Well I chatted with your rep tonite, and he did not know anything about any discount. This whole thing is bothersome. If you are not going to honor the ad. dont advertise through my Norton Virus SW on my computer.

FAQ: Norton Identity Protection

If you want LifeLock >