Links Being Marked as Unsafe or Spammy



I am looking for help here from some kindly people. I have a blog which is cleared not only by Norton but just about every auditor I can find. The site is not blacklisted anywhere from what I can tell. It is hosted by Hostgator and delivered through Cloudfare. There is nothng fancy about the wordpress install either. All upto date.


However Facebook has taken it upon itself to tell visitors to my business page that links to the site 'might be unsafe" or spam. There is no recourse to have the site reviewed by them or get any answers from them. This has persisted for months now. Sending them any emails via all the different contect forms fall on deaf ears.


Worse than that, Facebook are now even marking links tothe  Norton site advisor as "might be unsafe". 


Here is the facebook page -   . If you click on a link to 3Dprintwise up pops the message. If you scroll down a bit to the 26th July you will see a link to the Norton subdomain  .   It says this link might be unsafe or it gives a warning message. Here is that url.



Any help would be gratefully appreciated as Facebook are  in my opinion denigrating the blog and indeed thousands of sites that are fine with no way to appeal. One can only guess at their true motives for doing so.  If you would like to leave a review on the Norton site advisor please do. I don't know it if may help.