Live update has stopped working

Up to yesterday, Norton Live Update for Norton Antivirus was working fine.  Since yesterday the small icon showing Live Update is not present and each time I try to run Live Update I got this screen:Norton.jpg


One click support, bla, bla ,bla


a couple of buttons thant does anything, because each time I click on help with other errors, appears another screen, it seems that download something but nothing happens.


I'm using Windows Vista SP2, and in the Click support screen I got this information:


Product Norton Antivirus


Language        english

Module ID 8504

Error ID 4

Build Retail 


I'm trying to contact the technical service, but in the Symantec webpage, I only got advises about buy this fantastic new product and things like that.  I've renewed my subscription just one month ago and I'm not an experienced user, I need clear instructions like: download this, click on this, or run this.


Thanks in advance for your cooperation