livecom.exe blocked cannot unblock n360 Vers update

In the process of dealing with all the firewall issues caused by the n360 Vers update, I have come across an issue. The following program cannot be given access: "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps_17.5.9600.20911_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\livecomm.exe". This is on a windows 8 system and the directory tree "\Program Files\WindowsApps" that this file is in is a protected system's folder. Changing the permissions would most likely cause security issues, if not break all of the apps.

In the process of writing this, I notice that a lot of process are just being blocked. Way more than I can even try to keep up with considering the number of steps involved with adding each one. An Action needs to be added to the "Security History" panel to provide a simple way to unblock an entry, so when this happens on the next update there is a simple work around.

It would be nice if there was a summary for each program that was blocked, so you donot have to hunt through the list. Just asking.

Also there needs to be way to export and import the "Program Control" list or each entry, since resetting the firewall clears the list. I donot like extra work when it when I am not getting paid for it!

This is a big mess! I have attached the just one of the should not be blocked entries and a F.Y.I. I did not block this, Norton did. Also it would be nice to know why it was blocked. Things like where it was trying access would be nice, since in this case it was out bound.

I had support get one of my four systems I updated on 7/10/2015 work again after a few hours, only to see a lot more issues show up on 7/11. I got my other three systems working based on what was done on the one system. I can handle one or two issues but the list just keeps growing. I have more systems that I have just lefted turned off, until this mess is fixed. I have already put two days into this and I am not a happy camper(:)(... I have been a norton user since DOS days, this go around is making me think hard about staying with this company's products. I have had minor issues in the past, but this is not minor. From what I have read in the forums, these problems have been reported, since at least June.

There is a problem "MoAppHang" reported on "Posted: 29-May-2015 | 1:32AM" by "Mikehammenhog" that is most likely related that has not been answer yet. Someone needs to look at it.

Someone in the direct software support and test staff should be building a list of known safe programs and getting into the whitelist asap. I am seeing known programs from Microsoft being quarantined and/or blocked from network access. There is no reason for this. Some group has dropped the ball. This should have been noticed during prelease testing.

F.Y.I. I am an old school white hat, I wrote on all types software and I did user support for almost thirty years. I found a lot of viruses first hand before the anti-virus programs detected them.