Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
First thing to do is to go into Control Panel>Symantec Live Update>General>Select - Interactive Mode. Next, go to Update Cache> Remove all files from cache. Restart and try again.
If still fails, go to Add/Remove Programs>Uninstall Symantec Live Update>Install the latest version of Symantec Live Update. Restart and try again.
If this fails, then you will have to uninstall and reinstall again using Norton Removal Tool. Try again.
Let us know how you get on.
To get more information about this error, run live update by using run command and type luall then press enter.
I am running VISTA.
Norton360v2 has been unistalled twice and live update has the following errors:
Downloading Norton 360 program updates (1 of 1), complete.
Installing Norton 360 program updates (1 of 1), failed.LU1812: A program that was part of this update failed when it ran. This update was not applied.
Installation failed, error summary...LU1806: LiveUpdate downloaded all of the updates you requested, but all of them failed to install. Please try to get the updates at a later time.
LiveUpdate session is complete
I need a solution. Please help.
To get more information about this error, run live update by using run command and type luall then press enter. Press next to get all updates
I am running the English version of VISTA 32bit. i downloaded the new Norton360v2 and it removed the old version of Symantec Antivirus. Norton removal tool was used twice and reinstalled the Nortin360v2 twice.
---------Did not work-------------
First thing to do is to go into Control Panel>Symantec Live Update>General>Select - Interactive Mode. Next, go to Update Cache> Remove all files from cache. Restart and try again.
If still fails, go to Add/Remove Programs>Uninstall Symantec Live Update>Install the latest version of Symantec Live Update. Restart and try again.
Are you running any other Norton products on your PC? Do you still have the download for N360 available as a separate download either on CD or in an .exe file on your PC, where did you get it and is it the current version?
If so, uninstall again using the Norton Removal Tool, then check to see if any folders are left on your system by going to Start>Run>Search>type Symantec>Search. Remove any folder manually, if they won't delete, move them over onto your desktop and remove from there. Make sure Symantec Live Update is not left in Add/Remove programs.
Next go to Start>Run>type temp>select all>delete. Repeat and type %temp% instead of temp>select all>delete. Next, go into Start>Run>type prefetch>select all>delete.
Reinstall N360 and run live update.
Let us know what happens.
Tenn wrote:I am running the English version of VISTA 32bit. i downloaded the new Norton360v2 and it removed the old version of Symantec Antivirus. Norton removal tool was used twice and reinstalled the Nortin360v2 twice.
---------Did not work-------------
First thing to do is to go into Control Panel>Symantec Live Update>General>Select - Interactive Mode. Next, go to Update Cache> Remove all files from cache. Restart and try again.
If still fails, go to Add/Remove Programs>Uninstall Symantec Live Update>Install the latest version of Symantec Live Update. Restart and try again.
Tenn -- I'm a bit puzzled by your latest message quoted above. Does the bit after -- Did not work -- mean that this is what you have found to be the solution?
If so thanks for the feedback.
Every Norton and Symantec file was uninstalled and removed from the registry.Once reinstalled it will update one time, then after that it will fail LU1812 and LU1806.
Installing Norton 360 program updates (1 of 1), failed.LU1812: A program that was part of this update failed when it ran. This update was not applied.
Installation failed, error summary...LU1806: LiveUpdate downloaded all of the updates you requested, but all of them failed to install. Please try to get the updates at a later time.
Symantec Security Software completed liveUpdate successfully. Norton 360 2008 program Update(English) fails to install.
error -LU1812. I guess my computer is safe. I will ask the IT group at Texas Instruments to help.
Thank you .
I don't know whether it is your staccato style but I'm having the greatest difficulty in understanding what you are actually saying in your messages. I can't distinguish between
what is happening,
what you are doing
and what works as a solution, if anything does.
We don't charge by the word here <s> so could you try writing a bit more fully and setting things out so we understand what is happening?
I bought Norton360v2 online and downloaded the software.
A few days later I tried Live update and recieved the following errors:
Installing Norton 360 program updates (1 of 1), failed.LU1812: A program that was part of this update failed when it ran. This update was not applied.
Installation failed, error summary...LU1806: LiveUpdate downloaded all of the updates you requested, but all of them failed to install. Please try to get the updates at a later time.
Then I used online chat from Norton; They remotely connected to my PC and uninstalled and reinstalled Norton360v2.
After executing everything you told me to do, I noticed that when I executed luall, all files where updated except;
"Norton 360 2008 program Update(English) fails to install" -but all other files associated with Nortorn was up-to-date.
I still get the live update error only for --Norton 360 2008 program Update(English) fails to install -when I exceute luall.
Thanks for your patience in explaining. Based on all you have said I hope someone can step in here about this.
By the way most of us here are not Norton Staff -- they have their names in red -- so when you say:
<< After executing everything you told me to do, >>
I presume you mean the Norton Chat operator you were on line with. Or did you mean the other users like me who have chimed in trying to deal with your question.
If you do a search on the LU numbers here in the forums you will find a good many references to them and for some of them Norton have a workaround and for others they are working on them.
Some of the workarounds may have been used by the Chat people but it would do no harm to try them yourself. One of them is to use the manual version of updating LUALL which is covered by this Norton instruction document:
"LU1806: LiveUpdate was not able to install any of the [number] updates that you selected"
You will find that the messages in this thread from johna and from vejdin do suggest it but I don't see any sign that you have done this -- so far all your messages have been directed at me .....
I bought Norton360v2 online and downloaded the software.
A few days later I tried Live update and recieved the following errors:
Installing Norton 360 program updates (1 of 1), failed.LU1812: A program that was part of this update failed when it ran. This update was not applied.
Installation failed, error summary…LU1806: LiveUpdate downloaded all of the updates you requested, but all of them failed to install. Please try to get the updates at a later time.
Then I used online chat from Norton; They remotely connected to my PC and uninstalled and reinstalled Norton360v2. Plus,I tried several times myself.
After executing everything you told me to do, I noticed that when I executed luall, all files where updated except;
“Norton 360 2008 program Update(English) fails to install” -but all other files associated with Nortorn was up-to-date.
I still get the live update error LU1812 only for --Norton 360 2008 program Update(English) fails to install -when I exceute luall. The red X at Norton 360 2008 program(English).
Tenn wrote:... I still get the live update error LU1812 only for --Norton 360 2008 program Update(English) fails to install -when I exceute luall. The red X at Norton 360 2008 program(English).
Hi Tenn,
You may also want to try the following tool to resolve thing issue:
Please let us know if this helps. Thanks!
Can't help you directly at the moment but a few questions that may help others:
- Which version of VISTA and is it 32-bit or 64-bit version?
- Is yours the US English version of VISTA
- Did you get N360 from a US source? And was it by download or by buying the disk?
- When you installed N360 had you had any other version of Norton security installed? Or for example N360 ver 1?
- If so what was it and did you uninstall it using Remove Programs in Control Panel or let N360 do so while it installed?
These are some of the questions I've seen relevent to error LU1806.
You'll get plenty of help here both from volunteers and from Norton Staffers -- names in red.