Local ID Safe has become 'quirky'

Hello All


Windows 7 Prof 32 bit

Norton 360 Standard v

ID Safe is LOCAL only

IE v 11   -  I am not running any other browers



I will admit to not liking this new & 'improved' version of ID Safe but I've lived with it so far. However, the last few days it has become unresponsive at times and I'll have to exit completely out of IE and start over.

By unresponsive I mean, usually when I 'clicked' in the enter password box of a website I would see the open Vault and enter Vault password just under the toolbars (when first opening ID Safe during a session). I would key in my Vault password and the website info would populate and I'd be ready to go. Now, that doesn't happen on the first or second tries and I have to exit out of IE and start IE over.


Now today, when I clicked on the Norton toolbar at the very right-hand end where it says 'Click here to see your Identity Safe Cards & Logins', absolutely nothing happens, nothing. Has there been some minor change in ID Safe in the last few days? Is anyone else experiencing this problem? Or is there a problem with my PC? I run the Norton 360 and the FREE Malwarebytes weekly and they haven't picked up anything bad.


Since I can still access my ID Safe, though it's becoming user-unfriendly, I'm not going to worry needlessly, but I would still appreciate hearing from anyone to see what the problem might be.


Thanks in advance
