Under devices and then selecting the locate device option seems to work more not than often. It has been like this since I discovered this a few years back. I have several phones, different makes and operating systems but can take up to Many minutes to find them even within the house. If it doesn’t time out I just exit Norton. I have let it locate for an hour or more without success.
One thing you have to remember is that the device needs to be online for the locate command to work. ie You need an active Wifi internet connection or cell data connection for the locate to work.
From the Locate command web page....
We're trying to reach your device. Once we reach it, we'll update its location. If your device is offline, we'll try the command when it's back online.
Hello pelbro. You have posted your issue into the Norton Core forums. Norton Core router and the accompanying Norton Security Plus subscription do not have a "find a phone" capability incorporated. I do believe you may be referring to Norton Mobile Security as it indeed has that feature. I will ask for this post to be moved to that forums for better exposure and assistance.