login allowed during curfew time: MAJOR FLAW

I have been using online family for a couple of weeks now to monitor my 3 kids.

I think it is a good program *in principle* but the fact that they can login for a few minutes  during the curfew time makes it all

bad. Everyday I see  that they have logged in repeatedly during the curfew, sometimes 20 times (!) to cover one entire hour.

They are smart enough to logout before the countdown is over so they can repeat the procedure over and over.

I had to disable all the kids and went back to the (much more primitive) Mac parental control, but I had no choice.

A curfew is a curfew and this does not seem to be true for Norton.


I was considering buying the Premier version but since I assume it will have the same flaw I certainly will not.


If there is any way to circumvent this, please let me know.

I will not use Norton online fanily until this "feature" is totally disabled (should be easy no?)


Thank you, Antonella


PS. Kids are on Mac with OS 10.6.8 if it makes any difference.