I noticed that my son can stay on his computer for more than 1 hour a day which is the limit I defined and then in the logs I see that he has logged into safe mode and that rules are not being applied. When I asked him, he sayed he doesn't even know what safe mode is. I have seen another post with the same issue but no solution given.
Norton Online Family indicates the message when a user starts a monitored computer in safe mode, which works as designed.
If the child doesn't know what safe mode is, is it possible you or he can describe what exact you or he see when next time he starts the PC? What exact screens and messages he sees.
Please give non-administrative rights (limited or restricted) to your child’s user account. Otherwise, the kid would have the ability to create a new account.
Please check out the links below from Microsoft on the subject of Safe mode. They should help you understand what happens if starting a PC in Safe mode.