
is it possible to make norton password not to ask to login evry time you start you browser


It is, but I cannot remember or find the setting to change. I originally found the solution on the web I do remember it was tucked away in Norton settings in a not obvious place. (and different versions it is done differently - thats about all I can remember!)
Sorry I cannot be more specific, but keep searching, it is there!

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FOUND IT !! Under mobile device settings:

  1. Open Norton Password Manager (sign-in/Open Vault) in your Browser and go to Settings/All Settings.

  2. Click on Change Device

  3. UNtick always perform passwordless vault unlock on browser startup

Then I think it will have a save or turn off button to click.

NOTE: If you use more than one Browser, you need to do this in each one.

Hope that helps someone.


FAQ: Passwordless Vault Unlock [here]

no I would like to login
