Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
hey there--
Mike Romo here. Can you email me at "mike_romo@symantec.com"? Sounds like a freaked out archive messed with our engine. I am not sure ,but if you email me, we'll get a developer to work with you on this.
Hi again–
Looks like you found a bug. Apparently we are not reporting the locations of archives that have problems that we can’t fix. When we CAN fix the virus, we give the location, which is good, but admittedly, this is a bug and I am entering it into the database to get addressed with an update.
But all is not lost. If you open the terminal and type:
> navx –c <path to disk or folder> <----- you just drag your hard drive or home folder here and it will populate the location
A scan will then commence; at first it looks like it will just sit there–when it encounters an archive that has a virus, Then all of the file names should be listed, as well as the archive that contains the bogus files.
Thanks for helping us find this!
Let me know how it works for you.
I'm a little bit confused.
So I do have a Mac-related virus, it just hasn't been discovered yet? Or is it a scan error?
Also, nothing else has happened, so is it a new Windows virus on my computer?
Or am I not infected?
Most likely it's either a damaged file INSIDE the archive, or a Windows virus in the archive.
Run that command and then we can see what's inside those archives, but I'm thinking it's damaged file in the archive that we can't rectify. If it were a Mac virus, we would have fixed it and logged it.
1. So I open Terminal, then type "> navx –c"
2. Then I drag my hardrive
Is that correct? Also, how do I make the scan start? I have never used terminal before.
The keyboard change could very well be adapating to an open application, I don’t think you have anything to worry about at all.
So, yes, type in “navx -c <<dragged folder/volume>”
And then wait–try this on a folder so you can see how it works–we’ll tell you when the scan is done.
I am not sure when the fix will get rolled in, but I think it should be soon, though we are working on a new project and are kind of swamped. But the good news is that, and I will add this to the post, that if you have auto-protect turned on, you can rest assured that when you actually expand the archive to access the file, we will scan the archives contents so you are still protected and need not worry.
Thanks for the help!
I've had this error pop up recently when NAV attempted to scan a password-protected ZIP archive. The navx -c at the command line interface indicated no virus was actually detected ("Scan Result: Clean"). NAV's inability to access the ZIP was apparently flagged in the Activity Log as "Error", however, and it appears the "Infected file could not be repaired. Archive restored." message is being treated as the fallback generic message NAV gives when it can't actually identify whatever problem it's encountering.
What you are saying is correct--we are working on an update to address his erroneous (and scary-sounding) message.
i will let you know when we have this taken care of, but suffice to say, that even if you DID have a virus in the archive, it would be scanned when expanding the archive by Auto-Protect.
I have been receiving the error message "Infected file could not be repaired. Archive restored" when NAV 11.0.1 has scanned photo memory cards and I have the following questions: Do photo memory cards have expandable archives? How would it be possible for a virus to get into those cards when they are only going from the camera to the computer card reader? Does NAV think that it is finding damaged files?
This is interesting--I think we're running into some kind of archive or some kind of file. Let me get my developers on the line. Can you email me at mike_romo@symantec.com? We might be able to use a special build of Norton AntiVirus to see what kind of file we are misreading as an archive.
I think you are fine, by the way; I think we're just seeing an error in how we report. I strongly doubt you have a virus.
thanks for your help!
I am experiencing the same problem. It occurs everytime I boot up the computer and log in. If I subsequently run the navx command or do a scan on the directory, there are no problems. I have File Vault turned on, could there be some interaction with this feature?
you're having the same problem that we are finding an archive but not showing it? When does this occur at startup? Do you have a scan that is happening?
I am seeing the error message “Infected file could not be repaired. Archive restored” that the other poster described. This occurs during Auto Disk Scan and usually happens on login.
Thanks for that. Well, we have this bug open to development to patch it. Let me get back to you with some more status when I have it…we’re kind of working on something that I can’t talk about but you’ll find out soon…
Is it something I should be concerned about?
THe navx command is great.
In the past, I didn't want to have Auto Protect enabled all the time and I was calling navx through a folder action script tied to the DOwnloads folder.
Very useful command indeed!!
I recently had the Virus “Infected file could not be repaired. Archive restored” pop up on my NAV as well. I’m still unclear as whether this is a virus or a NAV glitch. What step should be taken now?
mikeromo wrote:
Thanks for that. Well, we have this bug open to development to patch it. Let me get back to you with some more status when I have it...we're kind of working on something that I can't talk about but you'll find out soon..
What's the status of fixing this bug? This thread started over five monhts ago. I'm still getting the same message in my logs. Getting a message that sounds disturbing, but being told here that it is probably nothing to worry about, is of little comfort. I expect better from such an expensive program.
Hey Mike,
Just posting here looking for an update on this issue. I did follow your advice with the "navx -c" command for my system drive and found the 4-files causing my 4-errors of "Infected file could not be repaired. Archive restored."
Indeed, 3-of these errors related to compressed PC files using the .img format on my Mac.
However, 1-of these errors related to a Mac file from the application VueScan.
Here are the 4-files in question as obtained by running your suggested terminal command:
Welcome to Darwin!
WORKSTATION:~ thomas$ navx -c /
File: /Applications/VueScan.app/Contents/Data/vuescan.dat
Scan Result: Clean
Repair Attempted: N/A
Repair Result: N/A
File: /Downloads/LinkStationPro/Firmware/LS-GL_FW_115/hddrootfs.img
Scan Result: Clean
Repair Attempted: N/A
Repair Result: N/A
File: /Downloads/LinkStationPro/Firmware/LS-GL_FW_115/initrd.img
Scan Result: Clean
Repair Attempted: N/A
Repair Result: N/A
File: /Downloads/LinkStationPro/Firmware/LS-GL_FW_115.zip
Scan Result: Clean
Repair Attempted: N/A
Repair Result: N/A
Scan results:
529844 files encountered.
529825 files accessible for scanning.
1 archive scanned.
112859 files inside of archives encountered.
112859 files inside of archives examined.
0 files inside of archives infected.
Scan started : Wed Apr 1 20:43:15 2009
Scan finished: Wed Apr 1 21:02:57 2009
Scan ended normally.
WORKSTATION:~ thomas$___________________________________________________
Not sure if this helps or not, but I thought I would share it anyway.
In the mean time, could we at least get an update on where things are with this?
Thomas Huff