Well, even though i have tray notifications set to off:
Still seems to be popping up every so often to get me to “upgrade”. Then i found this interesting bit of info from their support Website:
“Notifications regarding scans, real time protection, updates and subscriptions occur in windows at the lower right corner of your screen, outside of the Malwarebytes interface. You may enable or disable these notifications. Most notifications are enabled by default, and cannot be disabled.”
Whatever. I just quenched it in the system tray by right-clicking and ‘quitting Malwarebytes’. It’s not as if i have the real-time protection enabled anyway. Then again, maybe i could turn off their “tray assist” program and still have my real-time protection on? As of this point, not particularly moved to enable my real-time protection anyway, also, do not feel inspired to upgrade like they are telling me to do. Probably more headaches. For the most part, i really just like to have MBAM as a backup scanner. Additionally, right now, it is going to be a miracle if i keep my Norton subscription. The price is reasonable, but, i have to see how my finances break down - - not making as much anymore compared to my previous job.
What i do find interesting in Win 10 is that the Windows Security Center recognizes both MBAM and Norton, whereas, back when, i don’t believe it referenced both, rather, it indicated that Windows has detected “multiple security programs”.
It probably should be changed to reflect, “Malwarebytes is installed as a supplemental security option”.