I received an email from Norton on 052023stating my Norton 360 would expire in 30 days. Today (052823) about 30 minutes ago I got a message after starting Dell Tools, which was due to run (usually monthly, that my Norton had expired and Microsoft defender was going to take over unless I renewed Norton immediately. It wouldn't let me get to task manager to shut anything off when I rebooted it came to the same screen. It said I was unprotected and wouldn't let me use the Norton 360 icon on my desktop because it had expired. I was able to finally get to my browser and went into Norton through the web. In my account on Norton it says my subscription expires on June 19th, which is correct. Is this another MicroSoft Patch Tuesday mess up that we have to deal with? How do I address this expiration that isn't correct?
It wouldn't let me do a print screen so i tried to take a picture of message screen it with my cell phone which didn't turn out well. But they won't let my upload a jpg here anyway.
I wasn't able to go in to Norton from my desktop icon so I went to the website and was able to go to MyAccount and it had the correct information and expiration (even though clicking on the desktop icon said my subscription was expired). I went back out and rebooted and everything seems to be working OK again. I have used Norton since the days of Peter Norton Utilities for DOS. I never had this kind of problem. A few years ago I do remember an issue which eventually was admitted that it involved a Norton update and Microsoft update coming out and not being compatible. I assume this is a similar situation since it was widely mentioned on the internet of the many problems from MS Patch Tuesday in early May.
So it is working for now, but for how long I don't know.
Message: "You are no longer protected. Your computer and data are at risk! Renew Now"
To fix this problem, activate the product again. If the problem persists, run the Norton Remove and Reinstall tool.
I have the same problem. I have more that a year left on my subscription but when I try to launch Norton Internet security I get this screen - so I can't even open the app to try and re-enter the key.
I have the same problem. I have more that a year left on my subscription but when I try to launch Norton Internet security I get this screen - so I can't even open the app to try and re-enter the key.
I couldn’t scan a thumb drive today (052923) and so I did a Restart instead of a Shut Down as was recommended. Attached pdf shows the message I got that said I was no longer protected by Norton 360. Below that is the screen print of My Norton account immediately after that which says my subscription doesn’t run out until June 19th, about 3 weeks from now. Is this a Norton problem or Microsoft problem or both?
When you reboot, be sure you are using the Restart command. Not Shutdown and startup again if you have Windows Fast Startup feature enabled. If you use Windows 8/8.1, 10 or 11, there can be an issue with the Windows Fast Startup feature.. See more information here.