Microsoft Edge and Copilot (Preview) taskbar failure is caused by YouTube comments exploit?
(NOTE: This information was previously posted in Microsoft Feedback Hub, and is being shared to Norton 360 by the original author; myself.)
Dear Norton 360,
I believe I have made a discovery as to the true nature of the taskbar failure in Windows 11 of Microsoft Edge and Copilot (Preview).
As a person on YouTube, I often comment on Canadian political content and news content. It appears that as a response to my commenting, the disconnection of Microsoft Edge and Copilot (Preview) may be a hacker attack on social grounds. Somebody is reading my comments, not liking them, and as a result I experience these failures.
To remedy the attack at each instance, the solution is to select Start, select Settings, select Apps, select Installed Apps, select Microsoft Edge, select Modify, complete the process, select Show Hidden Icons, select Microsoft Edge Icon, select About Microsoft Edge, proceed with update.
Otherwise, there is no ability to prevent the attack. Norton 360 and Windows Security do not detect the attack.
Further, I have noticed something within YouTube comments. Look to the most generic positive comments, they're bot generated, happening in their occurrence.