The Symbian operating system powers nearly ½ of worldwide cell phones (according to the IDC). According to the virus industry playbook, dominant operating systems attract the most malware. And true to the nature of those rules, researchers have found what appears to be the very first mobile botnet created to spread via Symbian operated smart phones.
It goes like this: a text message appears offering you what looks like porn. “A very sexy girl. Try it now!” is the message. You click on the message, allow a download to continue and the malware then finds every contact on your phone and sends the message on. So far nothing particularly new, we’ve seen “proof of concept” viruses spread via SMS before. But apparently, this threat leaves on your phone a remote communication program, allowing a cybercriminal to control your phone, even as it sits in your pocket or purse. What exactly they’d want to do is less clear but the capability, however crude it is today, is of great concern to security experts.
It’s always important to be alert and aware when engaging with technology. Now, even via simple text messages, we need to remain extra vigilant and a bit suspicious of a “something for nothing” message like this one. And if the message comes from someone unlikely to help you get porn, like your mom or your minister, well, consider yourself lucky!