Dark web monitoring / Identity protection.
The Protection Report / Dark web monitoring shows 13 categories under protection
But only 10 categories are available in the Identity Protection menu.
Detailed description:
In the Protection Report page / Dark Web Monitoring section, a list of 13 categories is displayed including Name, Date of Birth and Social Security Number.
When going to the Identity Protection page to edit the categories and fill in the information, only 10 categories are available, the three categories aforementioned are missing / doesn’t exist.
Product & version number:
Norton LifeLock web version.
OS details:
Windows 11. Chrome Browser.
If you have any supporting screenshots, please add them:
Yes, you may have LifeLock features.
Did you provide Norton…your Name, Date of Birth and Social Security Number / National Insurance number for monitoring?
§ Dark Web Monitoring is not available in all countries. Monitored information varies based on country of residence or choice of plan. It defaults to monitor your email address and begins immediately. Sign in to your account to enter more information for monitoring. https://uk.norton.com/products/norton-360-advanced#legal
Dark Web Monitoring for the United Kingdom
*Dark Web Monitoring is not available in all countries. Monitored information varies based on country of residence. It defaults to monitor your email address and begins immediately. Sign in to your account to enter more information for monitoring. https://support.norton.com/sp/en/us/home/current/solutions/v137731376
Ok so based on the provided web page information, only 10 categories are available in the Monitored Information for users based in the United Kingdom.
It’s not crystal clear and needed some deep search, but that’s what it seems to be.
The categories are missing/unavailable.
Yes I have my full name in the personal information / billing information.
But this is not the same database, I presume, as the one used for the Dark Web Monitoring.
I wish we could add these information in the Monitored Information, but the categories are not available/missing. (see screenshot in initial post).
§ Dark Web Monitoring is not available in all countries. Monitored information varies based on country of residence or choice of plan. It defaults to monitor your email address and begins immediately. Sign in to your account to enter more information for monitoring.
Dark Web Monitoring for the United Kingdom
*Dark Web Monitoring is not available in all countries. Monitored information varies based on country of residence. It defaults to monitor your email address and begins immediately. Sign in to your account to enter more information for monitoring. https://support.norton.com/sp/en/us/home/current/solutions/v137731376
Hello @Selina
Sorry, I don’t have a good answer for 6/10 vs 6/13…may be best to clarify what’s what with Norton support.
I can’t see how to fill in the categories Name / DoB / SSN, as it’s not available as categories in the Identity Protection page.
These are two different pages, one is where you fill in the information (Identity Protection) and the other is were you display the report (Protection Report). There is a mismatch of information in my case (available categories).