Most Suitable Method of Renewing Norton 360 Deluxe Using a Product Key

For the last 8 or so years I renewed my Norton Product direct without using a Product Key.

I have decided this year to renew using a Product Key purchased from Amazon.

There appears to be two ways of renewing your subscription using a Product Key and I wonder which is the better of the two.

1  Go to Product , click Help and under the Account Information select "Enter Product Key" and away you go.


2. Go to Product Window and lauch "My Norton"

Click on My Account and from the drop down wondow select Subscription Status and once it has communicated with Nortion select "Enter a Key" and away you go.





Automatic Renewal was cancelled soon after my last renewal plus details of my payment method also removed at the same time. I was going to wait a couple of days before my subscription runs out, my initial query was a prelude to this to establish the most effective way method to renew. 

What ever process you choose, do not enter a new product key that you purchased from a non-Norton source until your current subscription has only one or two days remaining. If you enter the new key early, you will lose any remaining time on the old subscription.

Also, be sure you have disabled Automatic Renewal for your old subscription, or you will get charged for a renewal.


Thanks, I previously went through the process you mention but finish up with a page which didn't give me an option to renew. I wonder if this is because I still have 61 days left on my current subscription and a renew link only appears perhaps 30 or so days remaining on subscription?

I attach a copy of the page which appears when I select "Manage my Subscriptions"

Once logged into your Norton Account, hover your cursor over the user icon at the top right, then click on Manage My Subscriptions.


Thanks, I was thinking along the same lines and was hoping someone would come up with a similar answer.

The only problem I can't seem to be able to find "My Subscriptions" by logging into my account, I'm guessing this will be similar to my method 2 in my orginal posting?




I stand to be corrected, but I believe that if you just enter the key from within the product Help > Enter product key, that will only activate the new key on that device. If you log into your Norton Account > My Subscriptions, and enter the new key there, it will activate the new key for all devices you have activated through your Account.


i have wondered this myself i am not sure which is best or if there is much of a difference

there is also the sign in to your account on norton site and add that way

last year i did have a issue when i added my key didnt seem to activate bit got fixed