* MS14-045 - Re-Releases

Title: Microsoft Security Bulletin Re-Releases
Issued: August 27, 2014

The following bulletins have undergone a major revision increment.
Please see the appropriate bulletin for more details.

  * MS14-045 - Important

Bulletin Information:

MS14-045 - Important

- https://technet.microsoft.com/library/security/ms14-045
- Reason for Revision: V3.0 (August 27, 2014): Bulletin rereleased
  to announce the replacement of the 2982791 update with the 2993651
  update for all supported releases of Microsoft Windows. See the
  Update FAQ for details.
- Originally posted: August 12, 2014
- Updated: August 27, 2014
- Bulletin Severity Rating: Important
- Version: 3.0