Hello pgreen. The Windows build you posted is a preview build. Also, the 24H2 update has issues galore. Norton, officially doesn’t support BETA or insider builds on Windows or MAC. I have the same Norton version and build as you posted on both Windows 10 and 11 without any of the false positive alerts you are seeing.
Thank you! Although you haven’t pointed me to a solution (exactly), you have shed light on the problem, which is half the battle. Although I had found that same website (with the Avast question), it did not occur to me that Norton owned Avast. Silly me. I will also try running a different antivirus software to see what it does.
Interestingly, I just got a different pop-up:
Threat name: Script:SNH-gen [Trj] Threat type: Trojan Horse - This threat pretends to be something else (e.g., picture, document, or other file) to trick you into running it and infecting your computer. Status: Moved to Quarantine Options: Report as false positive Detected by: Auto-Protect On PC from: 10/19/24, 5:37 PM Last Used: 10/19/24, 5:37 PM Startup Item: No
Unknown It is unknown how many users in the Norton Community have used this file.
Mature This file was released 3 months ago.
High The file risk is high. ____________________________
Path | Type | Status C:\Users\paul.MOONEYGREEN\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Extensions\deciicgeolaocjpmidpoicgpmdadflgh\1.0.3_0\scripts\tracker.js | File | Repaired
Maybe that means Norton 360 has adjusted and it’s now fixed? We shall see.
In the article I posted there was an annotation that what I will quote here in"" could be the issue. C:\Users\paul.MOONEYGREEN\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Extensions\deciicgeolaocjpmidpoicgpmdadflgh\1.0.3_0\scripts"tracker.js" | File | Repaired
In the VirusTotal results that quoted “tracker.js” entry is NOT present. Please note that a “forbidden 403” error is also shown. That is normal for a non-microsoft connection to see. https://msedgeextensions.sb.tlu.dl.delivery.mp.microsoft.com/
That leads me to believe something Microsoft isn’t aware of is taking place. Edge updates only come from one source. Microsoft.