Multiple Backup Sets

I am running out of space on my external HD where I keep my backups from Norton.  I have multiple computers that run Norton 360 and run backups.  I know 3 computers have backup sets, but I see 4 different backup sets on the drive. 


I have since update the backup set names to something other then default, but two have sets still have a name of default in the file.


The Machine id that is in the file does not help me.


Is there a way to see what is in each backup set? 


I would like to review the files before deleting them.

Hi Wimuggs.


Welcome to the Norton Community Forums. :smileyhappy:


I am surprised that the names in the DiscID.dat file do not match the names currently set for the backups but wonder if the name does not change until the backup after the name change.  Have you tried that?


Personally because of just the problem you are having in linking the backup files to the actual backup I now make a note of the backup file name on disk when I first create it and keep that with the normal name I use for the backup.


Have you tried looking at the Restore Files option under N360 Backup?  That should list all the backups on the disk and give you the amount of data that can be recovered from the different backups.  It will also give you a date of the last backup which you may be able to tie in with some of the files on the backup disk such as the DiscID.dat.  The size of the backup set on disk may not relate to the size given under the Restore Files option due to a fault that I believe exists in the N360 backup.  


The Restore Files option should also give you a chance to look at the files and folders available to restore.


Are you finding that the backup files on disk are far larger than you had expected and is this why your disk is filling up?  Do you in theory have sufficient space on the disk to run a new backup set?  If so what I would suggest is that you create a new backup set (leave your old default sets - renamed or not) alone for now.  When you have created a new backup set check its size and that is seem to contain the files you want.  Then you would be free to delete the old sets if they were too large.


Because of the occasional file size runaway I now run with two backup sets, one running on auto and the other on manual.  I regularly check the size of the auto set and check the manual set after each run.  Then if one set starts to grow out of control I can delete it and restart that set knowing that I have a second set.  This may not help in your current situation but it might help in future.


Has the above been of any use?  If you would like any additional information just ask.


Good luck.