Hello all. I have been having an issue with Norton 360 on my Windows 11 PC. I know there are other people having this problem too, because I belong to another Norton forum (actually not directly associated with Norton but it's a long story) and others are reporting the same problem. In the lower right of my taskbar, I currently see 3 icons that are hidden. One is Windows Security, and it has a green check mark on it. The second is Bluetooth for my mouse. The third is the Norton 360 icon. It's yellow with a green check mark on it.
So now all is good. But often times when I either reboot, or do an upgrade and the upgrade reboots, I get more than one Norton 360 icon. Up untill a few days ago, the most I got was two. Usually, I can reboot and if I'm lucky, I'll have the one icon back. But the other day I actually had 3 icons.
It's incredibly frustrating and I can't find a way to make this issue stop. Does anyone have any suggestions, of have you heard about this before?
My product auto updates, and it lists the current version as
dont think i seen multilple installs allowed before same program without some type of warning
That is correct. If a Norton installer finds an existing Norton product, it will either just update that installation, or if necessary, it will initiate an uninstall of the existing product before starting the install.
not sure why there is more than 1 icon appearing would suggest to me atleast perhaps there is several programs installed seems most likely explain that in my opinion
maybe you have it installed more than once? i would check your installed program list and see if it shows or in task manager first screen ( programs running) if it shows one or more norton running (do think it shows as 2 in mine norton program and another thing cant recall of top my head )
if its using alot of cpu or memory than that could be a issue to look further into
dont think i seen multilple installs allowed before same program without some type of warning
in the pc program file ( open drive get list of things ) may look and see if norton appears more than once
just guessing here on that theres a possible second or more install to explain the icons
No, that's not what I'm asking. I have more than one of the same icons. My icon does show up and disappear when it's operating normally. But sometimes I get 2 or 3 of the same icons.
So, if indeed it does mean that it's started (loaded), my concern is that more than one instance of the program is running at the same time.
not sure if this is the answer but the norton with green checkmark appears when you start up and shows its been started ( loaded) depending on system could be shown for minute or less , regular process like the others
again not sure if thats what your asking
the icon does disappear and goes to the icon ( hidden icon housing my term) with others you do have the option to show or hide those icons in the settings ( hidden folders section believe its called)