I'm having some problems with computer seeming slower since I installed NIS 2010. I had problems during the upgrade and a tech support person remotely uninstalled everything and then installed 2010. When I look at the task manager that there are seven instances of the svchost.exe program running: 3 associated with User Name SYSTEM, 2 with SYSTEM, 2 with LOCAL SERVICE, and 2 with NETWORK SERVICE. There is then 2 csvchst.exe processes, one for SYSTEM and one for Tom (my user name). Is this normal?
Yes, it is perfectly normal.
Each svchost.exe is "made up of" one or more Windows services, and the more services you are running, the more svchost.exe you will see. Also, Windows 7 and Vista use a lot more of them than XP. I have 10 svchost.exe running right now, for example, on a Windows 7 without any unnecessary services enabled.
And your ccsvchst.exe usage is normal too (although you misspelled it). :)
Hi tlehman:
Looks like perfectly normal function to me. No worries.
What Operating System are you using?
Thanks. I appreciate the assistance.
Hi tlehman
Two ccsvchst.exe processes with NIS is not only normal it is also correct. Task Manager with "show processes from all users" should populate two ccsvchst.exe for NIS. If you install another Norton product you will see ccsvchst for that Norton product. svchost is a generic term applicable to various System services.