Have used Norton for years and recommended your products to everyone. I feel a certain sense of security when I look down and see that icon in my tray that lets me know your protecting me. Every once in awhile, maybe once every 6 months or so I will glance down and it is not there and the internet is laggy. Panic set in WTH? Not sure if I am being hacked and my machine is being used remotely or maybe you are updating or what... however, a quick shut down and reboot of the computer always resolves the situation. My favorite Norton system tray icon is back and the internet connection is running great. Once again I feel all is right with my little world. Over the past year or so I have noticed another new little quirk occurring. On occasion I will glance down and see not one but rather two Norton icons in my sys tray. Why would that be? Is anybody else able to relate to any of this? Admittedly cyber security / network security are things I am very curious about and certainly have on my list of things to become more educated about when I do get around to it but for now I have been putting all my hope and trust in Norton. Thanks guys keep up the good work!