multithreading broken, need parallel-drives action

multithreading is broken and needs to be fixed and recompiled and build/compile switches changed possibly.

I have 3 hard drives + 1 SSD on my system and 12 threads.

currently, I can only set the number of threads to a power of 2, so I chose 8. when I watched thread usage, it didn't use hardly any of those threads (see's perfmonitor2 program), it looked like heavey usage on 1 thread. single-threaded. perhaps norton was compiled using a single-threaded library by mistake, choosing a multithreaded library requires extra steps. auto does the same thing.


multithreading could be done in such a way that multiple drives are accessed in parallel. this would speed things up.
I would like to see multithreading access drives in parallel if possible by spreading the threads across the drives being accessed, scanning each drive in parallel, and even multiple files on each drive in parallel. when threads are assigned, enumerating the list of drives to scan and assigning a disk to that thread.

REASON: windows can sort of parallelize separate controller channels is my understanding and experience.


norton could be even faster than the competition and scans could blaze a few times faster...

getting to the point of being disk-bound would be optimal I should think.

each thread could be a separate file scan.