My subscription

There are so many different Norton products listed, I am not sure which one I have.

The  real problem is NORTON CHAT.   I have tried chatting several times.  The chatbot or agent can NEVER understand my question or provide me with an answer.    I am considering cancelling my subscription just because of how difficult it is to communicate with Norton.

I need some one from Norton to contact me.

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Norton Community does not have access to your Norton account, subscription details nor payment method.  
Maybe, we can help with other Norton questions.  

You can find the products that you have subscribed for and the benefits your subscription plan offers by signing in to your account. On your account, you can also see the devices on which you have installed your protection, its security status, and much more.

View your entitlements

  1. Sign in to your account.

    <p>The&nbsp;<strong>My Norton</strong>&nbsp;page lists the products and the features that are included in your subscription plan.</p>
    <p>Depending on your subscription plan, you can review or set up any of the entitlement.</p>
    <p>If you want to know the benefits associated with your plan, hover over your profile icon and then click&nbsp;<strong>Manage my subscriptions</strong>.</p>
    <p>Under the plan name, click the downward arrow to see the benefits.</p>
    <p>You can also find the number of licenses left for installation under the plan name.</p>


Maybe, sign in to your Norton account here > to see your Norton subscriptions.

Chat Now -> Sign In to your Norton account ->
click "Manage my account" -> "Something else" -> type "Live Agent" until ChatBot Kate reply: "transferring you to a specialist for further assistance".  

Maybe, I can post Norton Support phone number, if you want?
Are you United States?

Twitter Norton Support