I use FoxFire while on the net, but my husband prefers IE. Norton 360 loads in FoXfire, but not IE. Is there someway I can get it to run on both browsers? Also sometimes it will fill in my id and passwords, the it just quits. Any ideas of why..
There is a specific Forum for Norton 360 so I'll ask for your message to be moved over there or better exposure. You won't lose sight of it because a link will be left here.
This forum is specifically for beta-testing Norton Internet Security and Norton AntiVirus 2012 projects -- not for commercially avialabale products.
Patrisha wrote:
I use FoxFire while on the net, but my husband prefers IE. Norton 360 loads in FoXfire, but not IE. Is there someway I can get it to run on both browsers? Also sometimes it will fill in my id and passwords, the it just quits. Any ideas of why..
What is your operating system? I'm running w& and have both prowsers present and Norton appears on both. Tell us more about the setup and we'll find a solution 
PS: I'll look for you in the other forum
Can you please tell us about the IE and FireFox Browser versions that you both use and the version of Norton 360 you had installed.
Norton 360 version can be seen under "Support"->"About" from Norton 360 UI.
Browser versions can be seen under. (For IE:- "Help" menu ->"About Internet Explorer", For FireFox "Help" menu->"About FireFox")
huwyngr wrote:
There is a specific Forum for Norton 360 so I'll ask for your message to be moved over there or better exposure. You won't lose sight of it because a link will be left here.
This forum is specifically for beta-testing Norton Internet Security and Norton AntiVirus 2012 projects -- not for commercially avialabale
Thanks, I'll pay attention before posting next time.
Thanks for responding. I should have given the following information when I posted. Sorry about that.
I use Win 7, IE 8 (But getting ready to upgrade to IE9), Foxfire 5 and Norton 360 ver 5. I just recently started using Foxfire because i was having so many crashes on IE. I installed Foxfire, then un-installed IE and re-installed. Tha's when I lost my norton in IE. I tried un-installing Norton and re-installing in hopes it would attach to IE. No such luck.
1) Can you tell me exact version of N360V5 you have Installed? (you can see the versiom under "Support"->"About", something like this 5-0-0-125 etc).
2) Did you run Liveupdate and get all the latest updates?
3) Is the Win7 OS that you have is a 64-Bit OS or a 32-Bit, if you have 64-Bit OS then Norton ToolBar is not supported in 64-Bit version of IE, you need to launch 32-Bit version of IE8 from ( \"Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer)
Reinstall your Norton at www.norton.com/nuc. Better make a backup of your Identity Safe logins if you're using them. It is possible that Norton does not ride on your IE because of the patches due to the recent release of IE9.
Glad to see you got here and have some help coming in.
I'd suggest you see where the Norton staff member viveksu is leading to before trying the reinstall since that may produce some information helpful to Norton and other users even if reinstalling is the answer.
viveksu wrote:
Can you please tell us about the IE and FireFox Browser versions that you both use and the version of Norton 360 you had installed.
Norton 360 version can be seen under "Support"->"About" from Norton 360 UI.
Browser versions can be seen under. (For IE:- "Help" menu ->"About Internet Explorer", For FireFox "Help" menu->"About FireFox")
Hey, thanks a million. I didn't realize I was running the 64bit ver of IE. I followed your instructions and changed to the 34bit IE and now Nortons is back. BTW i have Norton 360 ver
Problem solved!
I had thought that Windows 7 64 bit defaulted to the 32 bit IE when you install Windows precisely because Microsoft acknowledges the world is not ready yet .......