N360 and malware

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sorry to hear about your infection, i know this must be disappointing. as stu mentions, no one security products catches every threat today. there are anywhere from 4,000-8,000 new threats a day-- a breakneck pace for any one security vendor to keep up.  we have introduced a number of new technologies to address this that are not based on signatures, but rather on threat behaviors, which allows for protection against even unknown threats. some of these newer techniques exist only in norton antibot today, though will make their way into newer versions of our products.


in order to handle your current situation, have you tried norton antibot? it is available for a free trial, with remediation.


Just a thought, but the support tech shouldn't charge $100 to remove the malware when he pointed out there are other packages out there he could use that would have done the job.  You lose customers that way.  They should have removed it for free and appologized for any inconveniences.  Again, just personal opinion.

EDIT: Blog Comment by vinsanity copied to Forum:


Dear Mr. Davis. I have recently purchased the Norton 360 program and have major concerns. I aquired a malware trojan downloader on my PC and pop ups and interent access are the major issues affecting my PC. Norton 360 would not detect the problem so i downloaded the PC Tools anti virus that quickly detected the problem and would fix the issue for 39.99 (if i bought the full program). I quickly contacted Norton techincal support who advised me to remove the PC Tools software because it could disrupting the Norton program so i did. Still no detection by Norton, the support next explained to me that it would cost 99.99 to fix the malware trojan downloader. After i researched the trojan downloader i found that any sub par antispyware program could resolve the issue. My concerns come from Norton's ineffective ability not to stand behind there product and fix the issue. THe ability of an inexpensive program to detect and fix the issue concerns me, because Norton 360 could not. It seems to me that Norton program doesnt protect my PC and only serves as a gateway program to more cost on my behalf if an issue arises. I could understand if the problem was caused by a major virus but this is not the case (what i gather from research). This is my first experience with Norton and it has been very trouble some. I was not sure who to contact over my concerns, so i decided to try this blog. The ineffective ability of Norton not to stand behind there product and fix minor issues or design the program to fix the issues concerns me. Thanks you and hope to hear a reply from you soon. Vince Liberato

Message Edited by Dave_Coleman on 05-08-2008 02:33 PM

The Norton Product Support team’s goal is to, whenever possible, help troubleshoot virus and spyware removal issues,without charging a fee, to Norton customers with up-to-date subscriptions.
The Norton Spyware & Virus Removal Service, a fee based service for PC users, is for both Norton and non-Norton customers. The Norton Spyware & Virus Removal Service involves a Norton technician performing both a full scan to find spyware and hidden threats, as well as additional tests to ensure computer stability and protection. This service is designed for those customers who’ve prefer to have an expert take care of PC issues for them.

Tony_Weiss wrote:
The Norton Product Support team's goal is to, whenever possible, help troubleshoot virus and spyware removal issues,without charging a fee, to Norton customers with up-to-date subscriptions.
The Norton Spyware & Virus Removal Service, a fee based service for PC users, is for both Norton and non-Norton customers. The Norton Spyware & Virus Removal Service involves a Norton technician performing both a full scan to find spyware and hidden threats, as well as additional tests to ensure computer stability and protection. This service is designed for those customers who've prefer to have an expert take care of PC issues for them.


Besides that. If Symantec knows up fron that antibot will safe the day, they will probably tell you that.

malware is way too complicated these days 

Everyone has reponded to my concerns, whether positive or negative, the problem still is occuring with my pc. Does this mean I will have to pay to have it fixed or will Norton fix it for free? My research into this topic leads me to believe that this problems should be fixed for free and that if is not, then Norton should do a better job of informing their customers that the protection offered by the 360 programs falls short of what Norton states it will protect. Once again this is not a difficult problem. Norton seems to be more focused on money making than  offering a product that protects the computers. In my industry, if one of my customers has a problem that my product failed to meet the standards then I do everything to please the customer and reassure them that we will fix the problem!!!

What are the exact problems that are still occuring now

The same problems that i orginally explained. Internet sometimes doesnt work and constant popups telling me to delete the malware and it sends me a website and wants me to download this antispyware. Most of the time my internet doesnt work, but i know my connecting is working because i have another notebook. The one that is not working is the one that i need to be working for work purposes. thanks vince

And you allready send a sample to Symantec?

Malware Submission

Vinsanity doesn't sound that happy.

But he shouldn't be disappointed. There is no anti virus that catches them all