I use N360 on my 3 home PC's for online backups. Is it possible to know how many online backup space (I have 7 GB in total) use every computer?
In the web interface I can see only total size of used space.
And another question: do you plan to make the web interface more friendly? :) For example, give us the possibility to remove a backup set with the web interface?
Online Backup space is associated with your Subscription License. If all your 3 Home PC's are using the same key, then you have the total space of 7 GB. So 3 PC's altogether can use Backup space upto 7 GB.
Web Interface will be surely considered for improvement. In the mean time you can delete the Backup sets from the N360 UI as well.
The question was how can I get a statistics like: PC1 uses 1 GB of 7 GB, PC2 uses 4 GB and so on?
We currently don't provide such statistics for individual PC's. In case you need them please calculate them manually based on backup sets on individual PC's