N360 Backups have overloaded my computer hard disk. Help to delete, restore space please.
Detailed description: N360 Backups have overloaded my computer hard disk. And I cannot seem to delete them, to restore the needed space on hard disk. Trying to delete the file in the N360_Backup folder creates an error that I need to be administrator - but surely I AM the administrator a the only person using my computer. That massive file is 113GB.
Norton is one of the worst organisations to be able to contact for help. Apple, Microsoft etc are much more accessible.
Product & version number: dont know where to find that.
OS details: Win 11
What is the error message you are seeing?
If you have any supporting screenshots, please add them:
I’ve been able to delete folder/files held by N360_BACKUP by changing file permissions.
I’ve needed to opt Give access to => Remove access
right click Folder/File => see menu item Give access to => then Remove access => then Stop sharing => then Change settings => then try Delete (you may see UAC prompt)
I have exactly the same problem. This is a single user PC and I am the administrator but I get the same message that I cannot delete the Norton 360 backup file because it thinks I am not the administrator. I do not want to be backing up onto my hard disc but can find nothing in Norton 360 to indicate why this is happening and certainly no way of stopping it. All backup relates to cloud backup. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am nearly out of C: drive space.
Thanks for those tips and comments from people. I did eventually get a response from Norton, and through a live chat and screen share - was able to get the problem solved. They actually uninstalled my Norton software, reinstalled it, and then adjusted the settings to the correct requirements.
A quick update as I have solved the problem. I went to delete Norton 360 but was given the option of “repair” which I did. Then when I went to backup in 360 it identified my enormous 316 GB folder as “failed to go to the cloud” (assuming a cloud with a red X in it means that). So, the 316 GB folder sitting on my C: drive was a cache (as suggested to me by a friend) rather than an indication that Norton was backing up to my hard drive. I then looked at the folder attributes and changed it from Read only and also compressed the folder (which worked). Then tried to delete it again and bingo, it disappeared. So, not quite sure what worked, but the space has been freed up. I have stopped the Norton 360 backup as I don’t need it and already pay for enough space to backup to Google Drive.