N360 Virus Scanner: Checkpoint capability for long-running scans

I have a suggestion for the scanner function: the ability for long-running scans to be checkpoint restartable.


Right now, I have a scan running that has been going for more than 24 hours.  It's running on a separate PC, scanning a drive over my local LAN. it's a large drive (2tb), and there are probably thousands of files on it that have been hit with W32.licum.  (Yes, I know it probably would be faster to run the scan from a machine that has the drive physically installed in it, but right now for this particular scan I don't have that option.  I'm using the only means I have to get this scan done so I really don't want to debate how I'm doing it, thanks.)


What would really be useful would be if there were an option for the scan to checkpoint its progress every so often after a user-configurable number of files so that if the scan had to be interrupted for some reason (say... maybe someone tripoed over the power cord for the machine doing the scanning or something), that the scan could be restarted at a checkpoint and continue without having to re-scan all the files it had processed up to that point.


