I'm not sure exactly how or what is happening, but this has occurred twice now.
This is a stable laptop running XP/SP2 - for years - with various flavors of only NAV.
When I recently installed the 2009 version, this happened, and I chaulked it up to the "install".
It somehow started working, and everything was ok.... until todays update...
I ran the LiveUpdate - and then re-booted...
At that point my WiFi interface was hosed.... could see the AP, but not talk to it, or thru it.
Tried Repair, Enable/Disable, etc
Did the Re-boot thing... nothing..
Then I opened NAV 2009, and clicked OFF for the Web Browser & Intrusion -
Things started worked ok -
Then clicked both of those protection elements back ON - things still ok -
Re-booted - things still ok :)
SO - there appears to be something weird ??? but not sure where ???