NIS 2011
Vista Home Premium 32 bit
Vista SP2
I'm like 99% sure that this is not a problem to be concerned about. But it's that 1% part that has me going lol
Ok I took a peek at my norton error log, for no good reason lol
I did see that yesterday there was an error involving navw32 process/module
Hash code 0x3FA33F21
error code 0x8000405
I know that navw32 is the antivirus part of NIS (or at least I think it is)
That is why this scares me a little, if there is some functioning problem with antivirus component of NIS
I do recall that yesterday morning I attempted to run a manual quick scan. When I clicked on the quick scan button, nothing happened. When I clicked on it again, nothing happened. A manual quick scan was not run. So I decided to reboot the PC. Then later when I tried to manually run a quick scan, it worked.
Later I looked at the Norton Error Reporting log and found the above noted error. So I'm assuming that it's related to the failed attempt for manual quick scan to run?
I am ab;e to initiate quick scans today and idle quick scans ran overnight as well, along with a scheduled full system scan
But it still has me wondering if there is something wrong with my navw32??