I don't know very much about computers. I have norton anti-virus on my computer and renew it every year. It scans my computer regularly and usually says everything is fine, but after scanning my computer on Dec. 27th it said I had the "Downloader" virus in my computer--it is the downloaler trojan discovered June 8, 2001 according to the Symantec description of the virus. It also says it could go by the name: Download.Trojan. The Norton scan message says it tried to delete it but the delete attempt failed, and I have to do it myself. There is a long page of directions which I do not understand including things like turning off recovery mode, starting in safe mode, going through files, etc. I don't know what any of this stuff is and I'd be afraid to try doing anything to my computer anyway because I'd probably mess it up. I'm kind of upset that I pay Norton every year for an update on their anti-virus, internet protection software and now I'm going to have to pay them or someone else over a $100 to remove this from my computer. Is there any easy way I can remove this myself or is there a virus removal program I can use to get rid of Downloader. (Also about a year ago another scan said I had some virus and I paid Norton over $100 to have one of their tech people take over my computer remotely for over 24 hrs. to remove it. I couldn't understand him and he couldn't understand me--he was in India. Ever since then certain things on my computer do not work--such as going to the ABC website and watching their TV programs or seeing photos on the AOL website, etc.) I'm really considering buying a Mac because of this. (I can't afford paying $60/yr. for Norton updates and then over $100 more each time some virus gets past their software into my computer. It's almost cost me as much in anti-virus expenditures as the cost of my computer!)
Thank you in advance for your help and also for allowing me to "vent".