I was going to setup HomeGroups between 2 WIN 7 computers, but gave up. I am confused as to what to set the network trust level to. I think they were set to Shared but was advised by Norton to set them to TRUSTED when I was trying to setup homegroups. I am not sharing files between computers and my printers are attached to a router so they can be used by all my computers.
What would be the safest settting or should I just click on the "Reset to Default" ?
that didn't answer my question. I tried setting up the HomeGroups, changed network trust levels to FULL TRUST on the advice of Norton CS. I gave up with HomeGroups and now would like to know what network Trust level will give me the most protection from outside threats that might try to break into my computer.
The Trust Levels in Network Security Map are for your internal network in your home. So the default settings will be fine.
The protection from the internet is provided by the Smart Firewall, Intrusion Prevention, and the Anti Virus realtime scanners.
I was going to setup HomeGroups between 2 WIN 7 computers, but gave up. I am confused as to what to set the network trust level to. I think they were set to Shared but was advised by Norton to set them to TRUSTED when I was trying to setup homegroups. I am not sharing files between computers and my printers are attached to a router so they can be used by all my computers.
What would be the safest settting or should I just click on the "Reset to Default" ?
Hi bluewolverine,
As peterweb said, the Network Security Map and its Trust Levels apply only to traffic on the Local Area Network, not traffic from the Internet. "Full Trust" allows all communications with other devices on the network, "Shared" applies Firewall rules but permits various protocols that are necessary or helpful for file sharing, "Protected" applies the same Firewall rules to local traffic as are applied to Internet traffic, and "Restricted" blocks connections to and from all devices on the LAN. Leaving your Smart Firewall settings at their defaults offers the best protection from Internet-based attacks, although your router will block all such attacks from your network anyway before they even reach your computers.