Network virus?

About a week ago our networks started acting up, upon looking at the available networks our 5ghz network has been renamed to "virus" with poor connectivity. I reset the router, set the networks back up and all appeared fine. the virus is back now. I have tried googling this with no relevant information available.

Im stumped. Is this a network virus, or is one of the devices carrying it.

Devices: 2 Laptops, 1 netbook, Ipad2, Iphone4, android phone, ps3, 3 xbox, apple tv

one of the laptops and the netbook had norton 2012 installed less than a week ago to update their anti virus after this was noticed. The other laptop is a roomates and i have been told they have anti virus (havent seen it for myself, and they arent really techy). Could this laptop be the one in question? im not aware if they scan regularly or have scanned recently.

im not aware of any anti virus on the apple products or android phone, i would hope they have some basic anti virus as my ipad is my computer when i dont need to do computerish things ( BOO APPLE ).

any help on this would be greatly appreciated