A New Adobe reader #11.0.07 has been released to get click on help>check for updates. Note the full download size has for the full program has upped to over 71MB the full changelog Enjoy :) !
What's new in Adobe Reader 11.0.07 ...
Updated blacklisted extensions at HKLM’s FeatureLockDown area at cDefaultLaunchURLPerms\tSchemePerms.
Create 64 bit plugin so the product can run IE 11 with Enhanced Protected Mode on in Win 7.
3675383: Dashes in passwords are coded differently on Mac & Windows.
3727486: Use HTTPS Yahoo Mail APIs instead of HTTP.
11.0.06 can’t print on some secure printers. For a work around, see
Improved scrolling speed in PDFs.
Increased the speed of page drawing/rendering.
Decreased energy consumption.
3662374: Mac only: Energy Impact data is 7.5 and can’t be reduced when Preferences dialog is invoked.
Hi-DPI support:
and Reader now take advantage of Hi-DPI monitors and can scale the user
interface to 200%. This is automatically enabled using system settings
and can be customized by choosing Preferences > General > Scale
for screen resolution. The value is set to Auto by default and can be
forced to 100% or 200%. Other items such as the font size, menu items,
and drop down lists are controlled by the user’s system control panel
rather than application’s preferences.
Fixed issues:
3591274: “CANCEL” & “OK” buttons on Menu Item Dialog of Bookmarks & Weblinks appear off screen.
3578985: PDF Content will re-draw when I scroll the page.
3727650: Scale doesn’t adjust when switching between English and non-English UI.
3732538: The small “X” to close a PDF is too small.
3744386: Convert Colors dialog is way too big.
3719808: Font too small in Encrypt and More Protection sub menu items.
3727734: Icons too small in the Certificate Viewer.
3733668: In IE, the page content redraws half and leaves the half bottom blank each time the mouse hovers over the HUD.
3741533: Scaling Problem in Preview on the Signature Appearance Dialog.
3731205: Sub-Menus under Common Tools Rearrange and Renumber Pages are not Hi-DPI enabled.
3747990: IMS Dialog appears very small.
The “Preview” label, Text field name, and “All Properties” link are too
small, and the items in the pop up do not scale properly.
3591268: Icons & Text on Tool & Sign Panel need updates.
3593129: Images in combined files are not Hi-DPI.
users can sign documents even without the document being rights
enabled. This means that signing is possible by any user and no action
is required by the document author to enable this feature.
A streamlined workflow means that it is now possible to delete multiple certificates with minimum clicks.
trusted anchor certificates SAFE BioPharma from the US and Digi-Sign
from Hong Kong to the Adobe Acrobat Trust List. We now have 45 members:
3686370: Signatures and Stamps should be stored in secured manner on a users machine.
3630257: Unable to export multiple Trusted Certificates.
Services integration:
shared reviews and forms data collection are end of lifed. Other forms
of shared reviews and forms data collection are unaffected by this
The Send Files pane is now integrated with the new Adobe
Send service. It’s now even easier to send documents to others, store
them on Acrobat.com, and access them from all your devices.
The EchoSign web view is now integrated into the Sign Pane.
EPDF, CPDF - Add “View Recently Converted Files” link to RH.
3737743: Services Description content doesn’t show in EPDF and CPDF accordion if paid user has signed in.
3737137: Default accordion becomes CPDF.
Services integration: EPDF:
EPDF - Enabled EPDF panel for Tier 2 languages.
2846356: JPN: Overlapping (mostly English) vertical text.
3056928: DOCX - Ghostscript created PDF conversion time is too long.
3215861: Table not being recognized due to a path elementgraphic overlapping with table border.
3493058: Columns for the table are being put in a single cell in the exported Excel file.
3225902: PPTX: The data lost in the exported Word document or PPTX file if exporting the bug file.
3201805: PPTX: Z Order has to be correct but the remaining part is to combine text , border and fill into the same textbox.
3533049: PPTX: Font information for the body text not being retained in slide master.
3695610: PPTX: Exported slides lose formatting when copying them.
3530275: Graphics in PDF file was corrupted after exported to docx.
3574127: Performance degradation for some files when exported.
3592633: Image is missing from the exported output.
3592626: Text headings of sections in PDF form is missing from the exported output.
3534151: Inline graphic exported as Background graphic.
3534152: Anchoring.Background graphic exported as Inline graphic.
3534149: Anchoring.Horizontal lines/autoshapes are not inline with text.
PDF creation/printing:
Support HTML page-break tags in WebCapture.
Prompt user if PDF Creation plugin is disabled in Firefox.
3650497: Wrong conversion of Word document with image, math equation.
3655054: Convert PDF with PDFMaker, unexpected [ZWAdobeF] font will insert.
3690696: Not converting word styles to PDF bookmarks correctly when doc secures access with password.
3728461: Distiller issues when distilling PostScript files which reference new OpenType fonts by CID.
3596609: PDFMaker: Unable to convert the custom radio link in the Visio image.
3714682: Page number in the footer of word document is incorrect in PDF created from Acrobat.
3650207: WMF image fails to convert to PDF using PDFMaker.
3696282: Graphics not getting rendered properly in the word files.
3676517: Labels on the Y-axis of the graph disappears on converting emf present in word to PDF.
3728987: PDF Conversion from PPT Issue with EMF image.
3723669: Smooth edge not displayed for chart line at edges with Acrobat 10 and 11.
Printing PDF Files Consisting of Multiple Page Sizes to PostScript
Printers May Yield Content Placement, Scaling, and/or Page Size
Selection Errors.
3632714: Conversion via PDFMaker results in truncated image.
3738752: Word document containing cropped image issue.
3682252: Bookmarks conversion issue.
3604701: Word stability issues while converting a Word document to PDF.
3520585: The user cannot specify page size as “A0, A1, A2” in PDF printer after installing AXI standard.
3735349: Accessibility problem with radio button in dynamic PDF form.
3697033: WCAG Compliance Issue- set the Initial View/Windows Option settings to display the document’s language property.
3697036: WCAG Compliance Issue- set the Initial View/Windows Option settings to display the document’s title.
3704174: JAWS does not recognized table in dynamic interactive PDF.
3707974: Stability improvements when NVDA is running.
3659413: Acrobat does not handle text selection correctly when caret position is changed in dynamic XFA text input fields.
3585547: Stability improvements with ZoomText running.
version simplifies the scanning experience in Acrobat on Mac using ICA
scanners by making it easier to switch between ICA and TWAIN drivers via
a single scanner listing. In addition to the single listing in the
starting dialog, some options will be disabled when the user selects an
ICA scanner.
3691368: ICA dialog opens along with Scan dialog in same Acrobat instance when scan is invoked for the second time
3696853: Acrobat issues while trying to invoke scanning with TWAIN driver
Annotations and reviews:
shared reviews and forms data collection are end of lifed. Other forms
of shared reviews and forms data collection are unaffected by this
3686186: Comments are not added to a Shared Review when the author’s identity includes an ampersand or double-quotes.
3699183: Font color in text box annotations get updated in a Shared Review for existing annots not authored by review initiator.
3675774: Dynamic Watermark disappears upon zooming of policy protected PDF after print.
3731895: Annotations information content is not displayed after opening a PDF.
AcroForms and LiveCycle:
Copying data from PDF form with the data fields filled and pasting to
PDF document with fields blank causes doesn’t work.
3687733: Saved Data is not retained in Reader 10 and higher.
3665642: Incorrect output Japanese barcode in dynamic forms.
3702017: Exporting merged XFA PDF forms data to CSV hangs Acrobat or corrupts non-Roman characters.
3695567: Adobe Reader raises an error message when filling up a form.
3749798: Forms Distribution via a non Acrobat.com server fails.
Prompt user if PDF Creation plugin is disabled in Firefox.
64 bit IE plugin - required to run IE 11 with Enhanced Protected Mode on in Win 7.
IE 11 - Fix bugs in new app container model introduced in January update.
Safari - Make Reader a trusted plugin (see KB doc about current blocked plugin experience).
3703376: Chrome only: PDF fails to display when opening in new tab - a gray page is displayed.
3371388: Reader XI help gives internet connection error behind authenticating proxy.
3598239: PDF Form causes IE9 issues when opened in multiple tabs.
3726262: Chrome Webcapture add-on: Moving to Chrome app-store.
3685546: Using Save as Adobe PDF from Outlook 2010 converts the wrong email.
3654167: Not able to send mail with Outlook 2013(Office 365).
3712641: Stability issues when scrolling in the PDF when opening PDF in IE9 via Acrobat/Reader XI (11.0.4).
3720595: Not able to check-in the files from Adobe Acrobat to SharePoint server.
3727486: Use HTTPS Yahoo Mail APIs instead of HTTP.
Firefox: Non-intrusive prompting for disabled WebCapture plug-in
Touch support:
Support touch zooming and panning gestures when using a trackpad on Mac.
Smooth document navigation using Touch & Trackpad on Windows.
3698696: Soft Keyboard pops-up upon editing a PDF on a touch enabled device with a physical keyboard attached.
Biometric support:
Enable Capturing and Validation of Biometric FingerPrint data using XFA Forms.
Japanese support:
When typing 2 byte characters with default IME-J (Kotoeri), 2 byte
character is indicated at outline input field and roman character is
indicated at the search field.
3520585: The user cannot specify page size as “A0, A1, A2” in PDF printer after installing AXI standard.
3710549: Acrobat issues when saving a PDF opened using “Edit with Adobe Acrobat” and then rotated.
3633250: Postal barcodes are not being displayed when saved as Static-Interactive PDF.
3701759: Text redaction does not redact text in attached file after Acrobat applies it.
3726665: Disable Privacy Notice with Extended Usage Tracking enabled.
3701385: Printing Multipage Watermarks Does Not Honor Opacity Values.
Any change in Preferences setting for documents in view should be
reflected in no. of entries shown in File menu in the same session.
3704934: Find does not find any words that are actually in the document. Chrome does not have this problem.
3754043: Font size appears very tiny in JS Debugger console and in JS editor.
In Reader, painting the tools pane background takes too much time
because of mismatch in icon width and tools pane width.