New classic Shell 4.0.4

 A new Classic Shell has been released for windows 7, 8 ,8.1   to get go to      

New features:
● Full Group Policy support for Classic Shell's settings. ADMX files for tweaking all Classic Shell settings are in C:\Program Files\Classic Shell\ You must extract the ADML and ADMX files to C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions folder. If you have Active Directory domain, extract the files to %logonserver%\sysvol\%userdnsdomain%\policies\PolicyDefinitions\. Hidden (registry-only) settings not exposed in the Settings UI are also supported in Group Policy.
● All EXEs and DLLs now have a digital signature
● New hidden settings FolderStartMenu, FolderCommonStartMenu, FolderPrograms and FolderCommonPrograms to override the path to the Start Menu folders and redirect them. These hidden settings are present as a Group Policy setting too.
● New hidden registry settings ProgramsWidth and JumplistWidth to control the width of the Windows 7 style menu (the default value is 40). These hidden settings are present as a Group Policy setting too.
● New hidden setting "ShutdownW7", where you can list what commands you want to see in the Shutdown menu for Windows 7 style. This hidden setting is present as a Group Policy setting too.
● New hidden setting "DisablePinExt", which hides the "Pin to Start Menu (Classic Shell)" context menu item. This hidden setting is present as a Group Policy setting too.
● If you set a hotkey without Ctrl for the Up button, then Ctrl+hotkey will open the parent folder in a new window
● Added cross-fade between jumplists
● The installer now preserves the selected components during upgrade so you don't have to de-select the components that are not installed every time you update Classic Shell
● Shell folders in the format of "shell:name" show up in search results
● Drag/drop improvements:
◦ You can drop files onto shortcuts in the main menu (like drop a text file onto Notepad)
◦ The text changes to "Pin to Start menu" when you are about to pin
◦ Metro apps show the app’s icon when dragged
◦ The Apps folder in the tree shows its icon while dragged
● Many improvements to the update system
◦ The file that contains the update info is now signed. This will prevent spoofing of the update links
◦ The Download button now downloads the new installer and verifies the signature.
◦ New download box with progress bar and Cancel button for downloading the new version and the language files

Bug fixes and design changes:
● Fix for the empty submenus when network folders were added
● Fixed the blank icons for network links. They show correct icons – a network drive, a computer, a shared folder, or simply a folder
● Files with # in the path can be found by search
● The common folders are correctly removed from the All Programs tree if they are disabled by a Group Policy
● Autocompleting and executing from the search box are correctly disabled if Run is disabled by a Group Policy
● Adding a blank recent_programs item shows as a sub-menu instead of a blank separator
● Fixed a bug where the settings tabs were not immediately updated if XML file is imported that has a different style
● Fixed the Windows 7 context menu for the Start Button (the menu was showing but the items didn’t work)
● The cache is correctly discarded and rebuilt if the Windows language is changed
● Fixed a language bug if English is the first, but not the only available language
● Fixed the update notification that was popping in some cases even if auto-update is disabled
● Fixed the submenus not opening by hover bug after clicking on the search box
● Fixed the missing search icon for some skins when RTL language is used
● Fixed the incorrect placement of the vertical separator in the Full Glass skin when RTL language is used
● Fixed the missing icons from the Copy dialog in Hebrew
● Fixed the broken variations for old skins
● Fixed the main menu icons showing from under the Programs tree control in some cases
● Fixed the bug where in some cases text with '&' can be cut off
● The Start screen item in the main menu opens the start screen on the same monitor as the menu
● Apps from the Programs folder don’t show up in search results if Metro apps are excluded from search
● The WSM cascading menu settings are removed from the Basic tab but retained on the Windows Start Menu tab
● When searching for programs/settings, the results don’t show up until all items are parsed. This way the order of items won’t change while the search is in progress
● Added a time and count limit for computing the total file size in the status bar, so Explorer doesn’t freeze when viewing large folders like Indexed Locations
● Inline buttons can be used in the second column of the Classic style even if icons in the second column are disabled in the skin setting
● Fixed a bug where if you drop a file in the tree control, the new item is added to the end instead of at the location of the mouse
● Fixed the common folder files showing in searches. Also files from the Start Menu folders don’t redundantly show up in the Files category (unless searching for programs is disabled)
● The first jumplist item is not incorrectly selected when a jumplist is open with the mouse
● Fix for the custom icon for a folder not being shown until the cache is deleted
● Fix for Frequent Programs list items showing in all caps when the Start Menu is on the network
● Fix for the animation of the cascading All Programs menu in the Windows Start Menu when Windows 7 style was selected in Classic Start Menu
● The Start Menu hides unrecognizable items in the Control Panel that start with some GUID. These are broken/invalid entries left behind by apps
● When there are too many items in the jumplists, they don’t spill over the Shutdown button anymore
● Changed the highlight color for some skins from orange to peach
● When All Programs is cascading, it uses a normal sub-menu arrow
● Starting with this release, ClassicStartMenu.exe runs from the registry even on Windows 8 and 8.1
◦ It detects when you upgrade from 8 to 8.1 and offers to repair the installation
◦ It also serves as a backup in case the normal startup failed for some reason