Why I hate it: the oversimplication and shameless pushing of products (which I do NOT want!)
1. The LiveUpdate tile in the Security section: I can no longer see how long ago it was when I had my last updates. They simplified it by stating its "current". Apperently Symantec thinks their paying customers are not able to understand a notification specifying this in hours and minutes.
2. The highly annoying pushing of the Identity Safe product (which I do NOT want!). The Identity section is for 99% dedicated to the pushing of this product. And the Safe Surfing settings (that 1%) are totally out of place here and belong in the Security section... where it was before!
3. The simplification of Security History - Resolved Security Risks: they moved the option of "More information" for an item in the list, to the section of "more options". Symantec seems to think I am not capable to handle the choice of more than one option.
4. The Optimize Disk option. Let me make a bold and surprising statement here: I DID NOT BOUGHT NORTON ANTIVIRUS TO DEFRAGMENT MY HARD DISKS! This is totally ridiculous and does not belong to the core business of an antivirus program. And it is the more annoying because I cannot find the option to disable this redundant nonsense.
5. The More Norton section: this is just an advertisement page! I pay for this product and as a reward Symantic annoys me with an Ad page. As if they haven't pushed unwanted products enough, they decided to top it of with an entire Ad section! Absolutely brilliant! This section is pure DEAD WEIGHT.
And ofcourse I can not find anywhere a simple way revert to my previous version of NAV. IMHO this new, so-called "streamlined' version is bloody annoying.