New password not accepted when extending child's time

I changed the parent password on the Norton Family Online website about 20 minutes ago, and it is still not accepted by the program when I try to extend my daughter's time today.  (The timer also seems to be running even when my kids aren't on their accounts, but that is another problem....??)


I can log back onto the Norton Family Online website with the new password, so I am definitely using the correct one.


**Meanwhile, my daughter's school projects that are due tomorrow are stuck on her account, and we have no way of getting into them that I know of.  


The account is on an iMac OS X 10.5.8.  


The browser is Safari 4.0.4 (5531.21.10).  


The Norton Safety Minder is 2.0 (28).



What shall I do?


Thanks in advance.




Hi Barb,


You can also change the allowed time at Settings -> Time on






Message Edited by KatieQ on 11-16-2009 11:11 AM



You mentioned you are using Norton Safety Minder 2.0 (28).  It's not a valid version number of NSM.   Please go to


Norton QuickMenu

Norton Safety Minder

Edit Accounts, and you will see the version of Norton Safety Minder.


Picture 23.png




Message Edited by KatieQ on 11-16-2009 12:26 PM

I believe this is a bug in the Mac NSM product.


I recommend that you change your password back to what it used to be on the OnlineFamily.Norton website.  After that, the password that is stored with the NSM settings on your Mac will work again.


I will enter this as a bug against the product.




Alan Gilbert

Mac NSM development 

I do not know my former password.  That's why I changed it.


Thank you for the replies.  


I have uninstalled the product from my computer.


<== version 1.2.0f44 on Mac OS X 10.6.3


... still does not accept new passwords, as a result it also appears to not synch new house rules changes server-side.  It submits data, but does not pull data.  Uninstall is not clean, so subsequent re-installations pull the previous email and password -- which is wrong.  Avoiding being forced into complete Norton uninstall, as I have other Norton products with numerous settings I don't want to do over (firewall rules, application rules, etc).



The problem with the current version of NSM for Mac (1.2.0f44) is that the password that is being used is saved in the local settings on the client computer, and that is the password that is used to connect to the OF.N servers.  If you have changed your password on the server, then connection will not occur.  Version 1.3 will have this fixed (it no longer will save the password, but will verify the password with the server instead).  1.3 should be released in the next couple of months.


You have two options to fix this in the version you are using:


1. Change your password on the OF.N server back to what it was when you installed NSM.  This will allow the client to connect.

2. On the OF.N website, delete the computer that your child is using that can no longer connect.  Click "Update Settings".  Then, on your client computer, using /Applications/Utilities/


sudo cd '/Library/Application Support/Symantec/Settings/1'

(enter admin password now)

sudo rm*

(enter admin password again if needed)


Restart your computer.


After restart, select "Connect..." from the Symantec > NSM menu item, and connect the computer again using your current OF.N password, then link the children.  You will not lose any of the settings on your OF.N account or any of your other Symantec settings or products.


Please let me know if you have any problems.


Alan Gilbert

NSM Mac dev

Attached is a tool that will allow you to change your local NSM password.  This tool must be run as root.  Download the tool to a known location (like ~/Downloads), rename it from ChangeNSMPassword.txt to ChangeNSMPassword, and then run /Applications/Utilities/, and enter the following command:


sudo ~/Downloads/ChangeNSMPassword

(enter admin password)


You will get the following:



Enter old OnlineFamily.Norton password: vbnm99ac
Enter new OnineFamily.Norton password: test
The password was changed successfully.


Enter old OnlineFamily.Norton password: <your old pw>

Enter new OnineFamily.Norton password: <your new pw>

The password was changed successfully.


Note: the old and new passwords will not be hidden as you type them, so keep your children's prying eyes away :)


Once again, let me know if you have any issues.


Alan Gilbert

NSM Mac dev