New toolbar on my browser

I have noticed that in my Chrome, there is new toolbar appeared. I was trying to find a solution on google by myself. Found this tutorial, but I am not that good in a computers. Maybe somebody have faced with that and can reccomend any Norton product to fix it?

Got a message that Norton added a toolbar to my Security - no description, no explanation - just a note to accept or decline. Opened Norton Security to list of activity - noted this:

Category: Firewall - Network and Connections
Date & Time,Risk,Activity,Status,Recommended Action,Category
1/11/2019 1:57:17 AM,Info,"Protecting your connection to a newly detected network on adapter \"Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface\" (IP address: fe80::e0:0:0:0%14).",Detected,No Action Required,Firewall - Network and Connections
Protecting your connection to a newly detected network on adapter "Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface" (IP address: fe80::e0:0:0:0%14). 

That was around 2am eastern - I had fallen asleep while online and woke up,logged off, shut down  - do not recognize that network name - it is not mine - I have been unable to connect to my printer through home network for some time as had two networks for awhile and all is messed up -  and have had no time to mess with it.  Is this a recognized Norton activity? Lots of hackers out there these days - 

Good news Tomas, thanks for the feedback. If you have a solution please mark the post that was the solution if you'd be so kind. Others can then see the solution. Glad we could assist.


Hey, that worked like charm :) Thanks a lot. Looks like Malwarebytes is really great software :) !

Hello. Download the free version and run a full scan with Malwarebytes. It detects and removes PUP / PUA programs, its free and runs with Norton very well. Please tell us how you made out when done.
