Hi. I'm using the trial version to see if i works for me, and i just ran a full backup last night, to a networked external drive. I had selected for it to backup C: and also My Documents, and the total used space on the drive is 270 Gb. It took 10 hours to do what it says was 150 Gb for C: but that Files and Folders failed. I'm running just the Files and Folders backup again - it's showing 11 hours remaining, so it seems to be working, as I've got lots of big video files. The odd thing though it that if I look at the network drive, it shows it as empty - no files at all. I don't have any files hidden under Folder Options. when I tried to look at the recovery point data it also showed nothing - wouldn't even go to that drive.
any ideas from you experts out there?
thanks in advance
i'm attaching images of the messages I get if i try to Explore the C: backup it says worked.