My Win 11 installation recently updated to from via liveupdate. However, when I restart my computer, Norton is no longer running, and when I try to launch it manually, it won't start up. I have tried the Remove & Reinstall tool, and that seems to reinstall then tries to update to and the cycle continues.
In my Windows Event Log, I am seeing this:
The Norton Security service terminated with the following service-specific error:
@norton user Looking back at one of your posts I see the following. Windows 10 Home 19041.1. What is the FULL version and build of your Windows install? The latest Windows 10 22H2 is build 19045.4598. If you aren't on this build you are most likely missing updates from Microsoft that may be causing issues.
Additionally. When we see errors 8504, 101 / Bucket ID: D43D292E that tells us that, they are Norton specific. Norton developers have automatically built into their software the ability for it to present these codes as a pointer to the software causing the issue. They also represent a failed installation, and/or other A/V software having been installed or is running on the system. In this case it indeed is Norton throwing the errors. Figuring out what the fault bucket id represents in another colored issue in and of itself. Norton then suggests the following, some or all of you may have already performed these steps:
Some users are using Windows 10, others Windows 11. What isn't clear in every case in this thread is whether:
1-Any other antiviral software was previously installed or is currently installed. If previously installed, was the OEM removal tool used to remove it?
2-Have any of you updated to the latest version Norton Security ? This same version will be pushed to N360 consumers as well.
If anyone posting here can create a full mini dump you can read its contents using this tool:
My Win 11 installation recently updated to from via liveupdate. However, when I restart my computer, Norton is no longer running, and when I try to launch it manually, it won't start up.
Der Fehler trat vereinzelt schon einmal auf, als von Version auf die Version upgedatet wurde
Nathaniel82 hat dazu am 10.April dies in das Forum geschrieben
norton user:
I have the same problem on Windows 10.
Norton Antivirus doesn't start. I start it manually. Then after a few minutes, I get a "Norton Autofix, Restart required" message with the following information:
Norton Security
8504, 101
BucketID: D43D292E
Windows 10 Home
Norton Autofix Results: 2 item(s)
Installation :: Restart Required
LiveUpdate :: Failed
The Autofix doesn't work.
I've reinstalled Norton twice with the same results.
Norton works after the reinstall. It fails after updates are manually applied.
Norton Antivirus doesn't start. I start it manually. Then after a few minutes, I get a "Norton Autofix, Restart required" message with the following information:
Thanks for the post, its very informative. FWIW!! This is the very reason myself and others around the forums don't manually run live updates when there is a new release sitting on the web. Things get toasted extremely fast.
From a Microsoft article related to the error code you are seeing: