Hello everyone,
Sorry for the delay, in answering you back, but I was running an MBAM scan and I wanted to finish it, so I can concentrate here. There is no way that I could take your comments as being critical, because they are not. On top of that, I would like to thank you for your time and kind words. I also value you input and participation in the forums. You're a serious guy and always polite.
As far as the "listed numerous issues " are concerned, I admit that I have been looking for answers for certain things regarding NIS 09. I noticed a certain kind of avoidance from people who might know the answers, and that is what I stated. Which, I will not hide from you, it is rather annoyning. Because I thought they were easy to answer, especially for people who have access in the Knowledge Data Base (KDB). It's different, for me, knowing and not helping than not helping because you (I don't mean you Phil_D) don't know.
Thank you again for taking the time to participate in the problem I face, and for confirming Stu's course of action.
Now, the options I had were: 1. Waiting Symantc's Responce, 2.Following PapaZ suggestion (which I also value), and 3.Try on my own again to see why my NIS09 got disorganized.
Respectively: 1.Don't believe they will turn-up (I think Stu's last statement may well underline that--of course has nothing to do with Stu). 2.PapaZ's, suggestion, meant "tickering" (phrase borrowed from mijcar) NIS09, since we all face the well-known issue with One Click support (an issue which a work-around was provided by Tomi_Red, and for which recently I received in my mail a debugging Norton tool from TLopez, in order to help Symantec debug the specific issue). So, before I was to try One Click, I decided to find a solution my self, and therefore this brings me to No.3 option.
So here it is, asnwering at the same time to rlw, on a possible workaround:
1. Reboot as things currently stand.
2. Disable all other security suites.
3. NIS09 main Window---Settings
4. Disable Idle Scan (from drop down) before Deleting the current "already in there" Scheduled Scan.
5. Deleted Current Scheduled Scan, as indicated from the Help menu.
6. NIS09 prompted me to enter a Password in order to Delete the Current Scheduled Scan. I entered the same pass(Windows log-in pass, for me) I used when trying to Schedule the Scan in the first place.
7. Reboot
8. NIS09 main Window---Settings
9. Schedule a New Scan as indicated from the Help menu. NIS09, again prompted me to enter a Password in order to Schedule a new Scan. I did as above. Now, a pop-window appeared, informing me that Scheduling a Scan, will disable the Idle Scans--Entered Yes(this is the key point, as I did not get this pop-up window, in my previous "failed to launch" FSS attempts, but as soon as I saw it, I remembered seeing it before when I succeeded with my Scheduled FSS...see my first post)
10. Enable Idle Scans from drop down. I take it, that it will perform only the Quick Idle Scans.
11.Close settings.
12. Enable MBAM and TF.
13. After 15 minutes, the Scheduled FSS started, as Scheduled.
Note, that during the "failed to launch" FSS attempts, although the NIS09 Scheduled scans were visible in the TaskSch, as I had required them to...they would not launch...for some reason (after looking into it), I saw that NIS09, could not locate the route path to the disc. With the above procedure, it obviously did. And before, someone says it was due to the other Security Suites, I would like to say, that when I had successfuly launched the Scheduled FSS (in my first attempts), the Suites were up and running, and NIS09 could locate the route path to the disc.
Thank you all for you guidance and support.