NIS preventing computer from sleeping and Live Update errors

I recently installed NIS on 2 of my computers, both running windows 8. The one computer now refuses to go to sleep on its own, while the other has no issues with this. If I uninstall NIS, it sleeps again. Additionally, Live Update has started giving errors on the insomniac as well. I've used the Norton removal tool to remove and re-install it, but no success. Running "powercfg /requests" from an administrator CMD states \\\\ccSvcHst.exe "A file delete operation is in progress". I've had Norton technicians look at the problem, but they have not been able to resolve it. Has anybody out there experienced this?

I recently installed NIS on 2 of my computers, both running windows 8. The one computer now refuses to go to sleep on its own, while the other has no issues with this. If I uninstall NIS, it sleeps again. Additionally, Live Update has started giving errors on the insomniac as well. I've used the Norton removal tool to remove and re-install it, but no success. Running "powercfg /requests" from an administrator CMD states \\\\ccSvcHst.exe "A file delete operation is in progress". I've had Norton technicians look at the problem, but they have not been able to resolve it. Has anybody out there experienced this?



Hi CalliedJ

Can you check on the computer clock that the following are correct?

The time?

The day?

The month?

The Year?

The time zone?

Its written like this because in the past people check the time only and one of the others is incorrect and is causing problems for the Norton product.

To check the above click on the clock in the task bar, on the dialogue box that opens click on, change date and time settings.   


Try running autofix by clicking the Norton icon, click support, click get support (or right click the Norton icon in the task bar and click Get support) let it run then restart the computer.  It should tell you if any items where fixed.  If you get an error message about MBAM then just click on skip on the error screen.


Check for Norton updates manually or right click the Norton icon in the task bar and click, run live updates, and then recheck until there are no more updates restarting the computer as requested.




@ intensec,


Can you please explain the LiveUpdate errors that the user is experiencing and also the sleep problems and all the irrelevant stuff that you state above???


Hi CalliedJ,


Could you please provide the error codes that you are receiving from LiveUpdate?

What is marked in NIS history about LU?

Is this set to manual or auto??

Go also into Device Manager and under "properties" check all your network cards to see if the options "Wake on LAN", "magic packet"  etc are properly configured.

I assume that they are but it's always good to check.

Another thing to check is if the "idle" option works properly in NIS.






Hi Intesec


The time?  The day?  The month?  The Year?  The time zone? - all correct.


Autofix found no problems.


Live updates still fail.


Other security software - I had a McAfee on it before, but also had it on my other computer which is working fine.  No other security software found in control panel.


A file delete operation is in progress, where you getting the before you removed Norton? - Yes, whenever NIS is installed, this appears.


When you removed Norton did you, Uninstall using the windows add/remove programme.  Then restart the computer.

Then run the removal tool.  Then restart the computer. - No, I removed it with the removal tool.  I'll try this sequence now.


Thanks for your help!


Kind regards





If you removed NIS directly with NRT, then there are chances that you damaged Windows OS.

Open an elevated command prompt, (with admin rights, right click and "Run as admin"), then type sfc /scannow.

Are you seeing any errors??

If there are no errors in System File Checker, you could also, before reinstalling a clean version of NIS and after unistalling the previous version of NIS, (via Add or remove programs), run the McAfee removal tool to make sure that there are no remnants from McAfee.

Hope this helps,



Hi CalliedJ,


Another thing to check:

Open the main NIS GUI, then "Settings", then section "Computer", then "Computer scan", then in "Full System Scan" click "Configure" and uncheck the option "Prevent Standby". Hit "Apply" followed by "Ok" , reboot your pc and see if the Sleep issue persists.


Kind regards, 

I've made some progress.  I uninstalled NIS, used NRT and re-installed NIS as per intesec's advice.  Live Update is now working, and CMD "powercfg /requests" returns nothing! :smileyvery-happy:


I've checked all network cards in device manager, all seems to be configured correctly Apostolos.  Please explain what you mean by idle option?  System File Checker returns errors, and seems to address some of them during reboot, but also states that some cannot be resolved.  My healthy PC does the same tough, so I'm unsure if this is significant?  I've run McAfee uninstaller and removed the "Prevent standby" option as well, but the sleep problem persists.


I've discovered something which could be of value - during rebooting, at the point where I need to enter my Windows password, if I leave it alone for a minute, it goes to sleep, as it should, but once I'm logged in it stays awake again.


Thanks again for your help.







Hi CalliedJ,



If both your pc's return SFC errors then they are not healthy!

SFC checks for important Windows OS components and files and if some of those are corrupted then it returns errors.

Soon or late, depending of the severity, you will have to reinstall the OS in both pc's.

When I mentionned the "idle" option I meant that if the option "prevent from Standby" is checked in NIS, then it might causes issues with the Sleep option.

If it makes no difference as you said then it's something else.

Other things I can think of is that if you have set LiveUpdate to Auto and not manual, then it connects to the internet every 5 minutes to download Pulse updates.

Try to temporarily set it to manual and see what happens.

Same thing for idle full system scan, disable it temporarily.

Please report back the results.

Same thing for Windows Update which may connect to the internet and not allowing your pc to sleep. Set it to manual also.

What are your settings for the sleep option?? Time delay etc...

P.S. What type of errors do u see in SFC??

Thank you.





One last thing: Open the main NIS GUI then "Settings", then "General', then "Norton tasks" & report your settings in that tab.



Hi Apostolos


Set LiveUpdate temporarily to manual - still no sleep.

Idle full system scan, disable it temporarily - still no sleep.

Windows Update to manual - still no sleep.


My setting for sleep is currently after 1 minute, to assist with testing possible solutions.


SFC produces a huge file with lots of entries, I don't know how to find the actual errors, any clues?  Attached are the CMD results as well as the Norton tasks settings.




Hi CalliedJ,


You can refer to this: and see what you must do if sfc gives errors that it can't repair.

There is a set of commands described that you have to give in order to attempt to repair each damaged file.

I must warn you that it is a tedious task.

As for the sleep issue, I don't know what could cause this, other that what I stated in previous posts.

It could be a setting in NIS, Norton tasks, try to change the default values, also try to change the delay you have set in Windows for the Sleep option, (increase it and test).

Other cause could be an unsuccessful NIS installation.

See how it goes...



Hi CalliedJ

Regarding the sleep issue here’s some suggestions to try, I don’t know if they will have any effect.

Have you got any devices connected to the computer that you can disconnect?

If you have any wireless devices they can send a signal that can prevent the computer from sleeping.

Do you have any data to write to an external source, to check this insert a write-able disk into the disc drive or plug a USB flash drive into a USB port, this should open a dialogue box that you can click on or a windows explorer page and if you don’t want to write the files can you delete them


Can you set the screen saver to one minute?

Can you set the power options for both mains power and battery power to?

Turn off the display, to two minute.

Put the computer to sleep, to three minutes.

Then restarts the computer.


I don’t know what power option you have your computer set to (Balanced, Power saver, High performance) but can you change it from what it is, then restart the computer


There’s a thread I found that’s rather old its December 2009 the post below what come up is also of interest, click here.






I've now learned about the command "powercfg -ENERGY".  It returned the following damning evidence:


<div class="log-entry-header">System Availability Requests:System Required Request</div>
<div class="log-entry-description">The service has made a request to prevent the system from automatically entering sleep.
<td><span class="detail-name">Requesting Service</span></td>




Hi CalliedJ

Check out the link below.





