This is my 2nd post concerning this problem and I now have a clearer understanding of my issues since I have spent the entire day watching the stock market and trouble shooting this error, both very depressing! (Yes I am retired) Program appears to be installed correctly, however several buttons on the NIS 2009 main display panel do not work. "Norton Account", "Run LiveUpDate" and "Activate Now" buttons have no response when clicked. Also cannot launch any manual scans from the panel. Clicking the 'Setting" buttons starts the Vista Program Permission Need pop-up and after granted, the Norton One Click Support site starts with the error 3040, 40028. The solution provided does not solve the problem. I have done many uninstall/ reinstall efforts using all cleaning tools I can find and nothing corrects this error problem. Surprisingly, the auto LiveUpDate function is working as recent update times are displayed and the "View Network" screen works correctly. Also my trial period time is counting down and has not been reset during the 3 days I have been trying to install. Computer is a Dell Laptop running Vista Home Premium.
I have installed NIS 2009 on my other two XP desktop machines without any problems.
Anyone else seeing this problem or have an answer?
Norton Tech Support spent a good hour remotely working this problem 2 days ago with no solution.