I have just installed NIS 2010 over NIS 2009 today and am still feeling my way round it as there are slight diferences. I notice that there is no NIS 2010 option to make customised rules for anti spam as in NIS 2009 and although I have only had a few emails since installation none of which were spam I notice my "History" shows just "submitted anti-spam statistics to Symantec" for each one without describing any details of the sender and whether clean or spam as happened in NIS 2009. Does this sound right?
To be more precise about my above posting my AntiSpam history list shows I have had 3 emails altogether with the two entries as shown above and "More Details" shows no spam in one case "0 out of 2 emails scanned" and the other "0 out of 1 email scanned" - so there's no spam detected but why therefore are they statistical submissions to Symantec?
The NIS 2010 uses new Brightmail Technology for the AntiSpam, which is entirely different from the previous products (training based spam engine). The new engine relies heavily on Symantec Spam definitions, heuristic rules, and online detection to identify spam.
Adding to Yogesh
Custom Spam Rules feature has been removed from Antispam and the History messaging format also been revised for NIS 2010
Antispam History will display details about the Email messages that Antispam has processed.
These statistics are submitted to Symantec (Despite the Emails being classified as Clean/Spam) to improve our Spam filtering definitions.
It will occur at the end of every POP session
Thank you yogesh_mohan and Kavitha for that reassurance. I had a spam (phishing) one this morning asking me to update my Alliance and Leicester account (which I have never had) and Norton correctly showed spam detected " 1 out of 1 emails" but again not identifying the sender.
Hi imbart
History page will not display the Sender's name, only shows the Spam Filtering statistics in Numbers.