NIS 2011 - Adding time to an existing subscription

I have a 3 year 3PC license for NIS 2011.

I was thinking about ADDING time to this way before it expires.

How does one go about doing this WITHOUT losing your existing subscription time.

The only option in the Norton Online Subscription store is to BUY another key. The RENEW button does not appear beside it. RENEW only appears beside all the expired trials. I wish I could DELETE all those annoying expired products!


At any rate... does BUYING a new KEY add time or wipe out this time? I don't want to change how many computers are covered under the 3 user license, just add time onto of my existing subscription for all 3 PC's.

If you click on renew and purchase a new key from Norton, you can enter the key and it will add the days on.  If you buy it through retail, you will lose the days you have left when you enter the key.  Customer service chat can adjust the time for you.

Thanks for such a prompt answer.

I realize this question has probably been asked hundreds if not thousands of times on the boards. I also tried attaching screenshots to help show you what I'm talking about but this site prevents me from doing so for some odd reason? It only accepts log files.

At any rate, thank you very much! :smileyhappy:

Glad to help.  If you need to add screenshots in the future, there are instructions on the forum feedback board.  Images are handled differently.


Best wishes.

Well I just wanted to follow up with what actually happened when I tried renewing my existing license online through the Norton store. I received a new key for another year on top of my existing 1 user 3pc subscription, but when I attempted to activate the key through NIS 2011 with the new key... it did what I feared it would do: it wiped out my remaining subscription time resetting it to only one year. All was not lost though as I took your advise about contacting customer service chat, and they were very quickly (10 minutes) able to add the new license on top of my old license which boosted the remaining subscription time on all three PC's. I had to however now use the original subscription key. In the end... it worked out and this was just what I wanted. Too bad there isn't an EASIER way to go about ADDING time. I guess in the future I will always have to contact customer support to ADD time to an EXISTING subscription. Or, just wait for it to run right out.

EDIT: The original post says 3 user 3 PC install. I meant 1 user 3 PC install.

Interesting.  Did you click renew at the bottom of the main Norton page or did you go to the Norton Store and click renew on a product?  Either way, it should have handled the renewal the same way. I'm glad it was sorted out.  Customer Service is really very helpful.



Thanks for the feedback -- it sounds as if what you got from Norton was the purchase of a new copy ..... gettting a new KEY and wiping out old time all fit in with that.


Anyway the good news is that OnLine CHAT did their thing again .....


Next time, if you see a good price in a store after rebates you can take advantage of that when you see it (like now <g>) and save the KEY until you need to renew since the unused KEYs do not activate and the work on the next generation 2012 which is due out shortly ......


In any case watch out for the upgrade to 2012 when it is released since it's free and there's a lot of good new stuff in 2012 ....


You know where to find us if you need any help.

I renewed by clicking here: in essence all this really did was allow me to buy a new license. Is this the correct place? Even after logging into my Norton account and clicking on "BUY KEY" it also took me back to that link. Can you tell me (for next time) if this is the correct way of renewing? Because after following your advise, I ended up with a second product; another license... when all I really wanted was more time on top of my existing license.

I usually purchase a subsciption on sale in my local area, so my memories are a bit hazy.  As I recall, however, I opened my NIS on my machine, clicked "renew" at the bottom of the screen and followed the instructions.  The days were added on to my existing subscription, but I couldn't swear that the activation numbers stayed the same.  I never looked.  I am assuming that the activation key would have to change to reflect the new subscription period.  Regardless of how renewal is accomplished, you should expect to have the days added on without the added inconvenience.



On that page you linked to did you use the Box Renew Your Subscription / Pick Norton Internet Security and then 2011 and click on the Go button?


That took me to a page with two Buy options that were considered Upgrades (to N360) and one Renew Option.


I don't want to go beyond that but I would not have expected that route to have resulted in you getting a new KEY which is linked to a Purchase ....


What did CHAT say when they were putting it right for you? Did they indicate that you had inadvertently bought a product? I think you said you eventually used the old KEY which would indicate that they changed a purchase to a renewal on the central database and altered the duration to fit in with a renewal.


And next time watch out for a good store purchase at a discount .......

Okay, so it looks like I figured out why it didn't RENEW automaticaly and I required chat support.

I believe what happened was I chose an UPGRADE vs RENEWAL. I can admit that this was human error on my part. Interestingly enough, chat support did not indicate that I did anything wrong here. They just corrected the issue by adding the puchased products time onto my existing subscription, and then instructed me to replace the NEW key I just bought by inputing the old original key. Once I did that, the expiration date was added automaticaly. In my screenshot below, I chose the RED box when I should have chosen the GREEN box. :smileysad: *palm  against forehead* I am astonished at how I could have missed this obvious difference! I kinda wish that Norton would instead provide two SEPERATE links: 1 strictly for UPGRADES and 1 for RENEWALS. In any case, it all worked out and I admit it was an error in reading the instructions correctly on my part. 


LAST QUESTION: Although the remaining time is now correct on my first PC... I went upstrairs to my other machine and opened NIS 2011 to see that the subcription time had not been updated. So, I clicked on Support -> Subcription Status. This then updated the remaining time to reflect the added time purchased. For the third computer, it's difficult to gain access to as I don't always have physical access to it. It is a computer laptop I share with my sister that is currently in her posesion. Will this laptop sync with the Norton subcription servers eventualy on it's own? Or do I have to enforce a push subscription check from within NIS 2011 so that it shows the updated purchased time?



Glad to hear you've worked out where it went wrong -- easy enough to click on the wrong button; I've done it often enough!


Can't see your image yet so not sure what it relates to.


I can't give you a definitive answer about the third PC but the basic is that the central database is correct. I suppose it is possible that the third installation might say At Risk but then FixIt ought to go check and bring the installation in line with the database.


See if anyone knows for sure. At least warn your sister that if it does anything like that not to worry and to click on Support / Subscription Status .... or if it insists on Fix It !

Thanks again for eveyone's help in this matter.

I'll bookmark this thread for future use when it comes time to renew! :smileyvery-happy: