NIS 2011 - Virus scanner is a bully with a bad memory

NIS 2011, Windows XP (32-bit) SP3


I noticed while running a full system scan (manual), a popup appeared that Norton was performing backgruound tasks. After looking in the log I saq it had performed an idle time scan during my full system scan.


I thought this was strange because not only was I in the process of running a scan but I also have idle time scans turned off. Also annyoing is that this caused my full system scan to take longer because it was competing for CPU and other resources with the idle scan.


So, why is NAV running an idle scan when there is currently a full scan running and why can't it remember I've turned the option off anyway?


PS: Unless this is a bug that's been fixed in 2012, please don't recommend I upgrade. I did that once and wasn't impressed with 2012.