This is the first time I've used this board so please bear with me. I have NIS 2012 & have discovered that the Norton toolbar doesn't appear when I use IE 64-bit, only IE 32-bit. I've tried the suggestion I found on this website, only trouble is Symantec doesn't even appear in 64-bit to use this fix. I even clicked: show all add-ons as well as: currently loaded add-ons. My pc is 64-bit, please help.
Start Internet Explorer.
Click Tools > Manage Add-ons.
In the list of currently loaded Add-ons, click Norton Toolbar.
If the status of Norton Toolbar is shown as Disabled, click Enable.
In the list of currently loaded Add-ons, click Symantec NCO BHO.
If the status of Symantec NCO BHO is shown as Disabled, click Enable.
Click Close.
Restart Internet Explorer.